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City of Porter, Minnesota Ordinances









50.01     Definitions

50.02     Sanitation collection service required

50.03     Container required; placement

50.04     Meddling with trash receptacles prohibited

50.05     Containers to be kept sanitary and secure

50.06     Unauthorized private collections prohibited

50.07     Sanitation service: city options.

50.08     Rates and charges; collection and late payment

50.09     Removal of building materials

50.10     Prohibited acts

50.11     Non-residential customers; container types; collection schedules

50.12     Manner of collection and transportation

50.13     Permission for collection

50.14     Collection of leaves, trees or tree limbs


Health and Safety; Nuisances, see Chapter 92






For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.


GARBAGE.  Organic refuse resulting from the preparation of food, and decayed and spoiled food from any source.


RUBBISH.  All inorganic refuse matter such as tin cans, glass, paper, ashes and the like.





Every person owning, managing, operating, leasing or renting any premises or any place where garbage or rubbish accumulates shall use a sanitation collection service as provided by the city unless otherwise approved by the city council.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       It shall be the duty of every person whose garbage and refuse is collected by the sanitation collection service to provide a container or containers for garbage and refuse, sufficient in size and number to accommodate and securely keep all garbage and refuse that may accumulate between collections.  Garbage containers shall be watertight and constructed of a solid and durable grade of metal, plastic, or paper material.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       It shall be unlawful to meddle with garbage cans, trash or rubbish receptacles or in any way pilfer, search or scatter contents of garbage cans or rubbish receptacles in or upon any street or alley within the city limits.


(B)       This section shall not apply to persons authorized by the city or persons authorized by state or federal law to search or otherwise meddle with trash receptacles.

Penalty, see § 10.99





All containers shall be kept clean and free from accumulation of any substance remaining attached to the inside of the container which would attract or breed flies, mosquitoes, or other insects.  The area surrounding garbage containers shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.  The contents of all receptacles shall be protected so that the wind cannot scatter the contents over the streets, alleys or other property within the city.  All containers shall be securely closed in a manner as to prevent the scattering of the contents and to make them inaccessible to insects, rodents and other animals.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)             It shall be unlawful for any person to transport garbage or refuse for hire which has been collected from any premises within the city over any public street within the city.


(B)       This section shall not apply to any person who at the time of the activity is operating under a valid contract or franchise granted by the city which authorizes that person to use the public streets to conduct that activity.

Penalty, see § 10.99





The City Council may provide for sanitation collection services within the city by use of city employees and vehicles, or it may grant permission under the terms and conditions of § 50.13, or it may contract with one or more contractors for the provision of these services under the terms


and conditions negotiated with the contractors, except that the provisions for insurance under

§ 50.13(E) shall always apply.





If the city collects charges for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and trash within the city, the following provisions apply:


(A)       Generally.  The charge for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and trash from residences and businesses within the corporate limits of the city shall be as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.


(B)       Collection of charges.  The charges fixed herein for the collection, removal and disposal of all garbage and trash shall be entered in their respective amounts on the utility bill.  The city may discontinue all utility services, including water, sewer, and garbage and trash services, for failing to pay any assessed charges and until the charges have been paid in full under conditions and procedures detailed in Division (C) of this section.


(C)       Disconnection for late payment.


(1)        It is the policy of the city to discontinue utility service to customers by reason of nonpayment of bills only after notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard on disputed bills.  The city's form for application for utility service and all bills shall contain, in addition to the title, address, and telephone number of the official in charge of billing, clearly visible and easily readable provisions to the effect:


(a)        That all bills are due and payable on or before the date set forth on the bill;


(b)        That if any bill is not paid by or before that date, a second bill will be mailed containing a cutoff notice that if the bill is not paid within ten days of the mailing of the second bill, service will be discontinued for nonpayment; and


(c)        That any customer disputing the correctness of his or her bill shall have a right to a hearing at which time he or she may be represented in person and by counsel or any other person of his or her choosing and may present orally or in writing his or her complaint and contentions to the city official in charge of utility billing.  This official shall be authorized to order that the customer’s service not be discontinued and shall have the authority to make a final determination of the customer’s complaint.


(2)        Requests for delays or waiver of payment will not be entertained; only questions of proper and correct billing will be considered.  In the absence of payment of the bill rendered or resort to the hearing procedure provided herein, service will be discontinued at the time specified, but in no event until the charges have been due and unpaid for at least 30 days.


(3)        When it becomes necessary for the city to discontinue utility service to a customer for nonpayment of bills, service will be reinstated only after all bills for service then due have been paid, along with a turn-on charge as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.


(D)       Cold weather rule.   Pursuant to M.S. § 216B.097, as it may be amended from time to time, no service of a residential customer shall be disconnected if the disconnection affects the primary heat source for the residential unit when the disconnection would occur during the period between October 15 and April 15, the customer has declared inability to pay on forms provided by the city, the household income of the customer is less that 185% of the federal poverty level as documented by the customer to the city, and the customer’s account is current for the billing period immediately prior to October 15 or the customer has entered into a payment schedule and is reasonably current with payments under the schedule.  The City Clerk shall, between August 15 and October 15, of each year, notify all residential customers of these provisions.





Waste from building operations, rock waste, building materials or other refuse resulting from building or remodeling operations or resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property shall be removed by the building contractor, owner or occupant of the building at his or her own expense.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       It shall be unlawful for any person to sweep, throw or deposit any garbage, trash, debris, stagnant water or dead animal into, upon or along any public property or private property of another, except as may be specifically provided by this chapter.


(B)       It shall be unlawful for any person owning or otherwise in control of any premises within the city to permit any of the conditions described in Division (A) to exist upon property owned or controlled by him or her after having actual or constructive notice thereof.


(C)       It shall be unlawful for any person to place in any container any material other than as specifically provided in this chapter.


(D)       It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or maintain garbage or trash except as provided for by this chapter.


(E)       It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any burning match, charcoal, ember, or other material in any container used for the disposal of garbage.


Penalty, see § 10.99






(A)       It shall be the duty of the owner or person otherwise in charge of multi-family, institutional or industrial premises within the city to cause all garbage and trash accumulated on the premises to be placed in disposable containers, or commercial-type containers.  Commercial-type containers may be used and may be placed at a location on the premises as arranged between the customer and the collector but subject to review by the city at any time.


(B)       Disposable containers shall be placed at a location on the premises which is readily accessible to the collector.


(C)       The amount and character of garbage shall be considered in establishing size of commercial containers and frequency of pickup.  The city shall have final authority to establish the size and frequency based on the history of amount and type of garbage generated by the customer.  The collection and removal of garbage and trash from premises used for commercial, institutional, or industrial purposes shall be made as often as necessary in order to maintain the premises free of accumulations.  Garbage, except dry trash in contractor-supplied containers, shall be collected not less than one time each week, except for roll-off containers which shall not be subject to this provision so long as they are used solely for brush and dry trash.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       The collection, removal and disposal of all garbage, trash and brush shall be carried on in a systematic, efficient manner to keep the city in a clean and sanitary condition.


(B)       All vehicles used for the collection and transportation of garbage and trash shall be equipped with suitable covers which shall be used to prevent blowing or scattering of refuse while garbage and trash are being transported for disposal.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       Purpose.  In order to provide for a continuous system of refuse collection and disposal in a manner which meets the needs and conveniences of the residents of the city and in order to protect the area from the problems of uncoordinated, unsanitary and improper solid waste disposal, the City Council may determine that it is in the best interests of the residents of the city to require written permission of persons collecting or hauling garbage and rubbish for hire, reserving to the city the right and authority to contract with one or more operators to provide these services.


(B)       Permission.  No person may collect or haul garbage or rubbish within the city without first obtaining written permission from the City Council. 


(C)       Franchise.  The City Council may exercise its reserved right to contract with one or more operators for the collection of garbage and rubbish within the city.


(D)       Suspension of permission or contract.  A contract or written permission issued under the provisions of this section may be revoked or suspended for a violation of this chapter or other applicable regulations of law upon a showing that the contractor or authorized collector has failed to comply with that regulation.


(E)       Financial responsibility.  The authorized collector or contractor shall show financial responsibility or a certificate of insurance coverage whereby each vehicle to be used by the authorized collector or contractor shall be covered against loss or injury in the following amounts:  $300,000 when the claim is one for death by wrongful act or omission and $300,000 to any claimant in any other case; $1,000,000 for any number of claims arising out of a single occurrence.  The authorized collector or contractor shall hold the city harmless and agrees to defend and indemnify the city, and the city’s employees and agents, for any claims, damages, losses, and expenses related to the work under the written permission or contract.  The city shall be named as an additional insured under that insurance for the services provided under the written permission or contract.  The authorized collector’s or contractor’s insurance shall be the primary insurance for the city, and the authorized collector or contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance on the city’s approved form which verifies the existence of the insurance required, including provisions to hold the city harmless and defend and indemnify the city.  The authorized collector or contractor shall also provide evidence of workers compensation insurance for employees.  These insurance policies shall provide for the giving of ten days prior notice to the city of the termination or cancellation of these policies.  In case any policies are terminated or cancelled, the written permission or contract shall be automatically revoked upon receipt by the City Clerk of the termination or cancellation.


(F)       Design of equipment.  All trucks or motor vehicles used by the authorized collector or contractor shall be water-tight so as not to allow the leakage of liquids or refuse while hauling the same and shall be covered with a covering to prevent the scattering of its contents upon the public streets or private properties in the city.


(G)       Inspections.  All vehicles used for garbage or rubbish shall be made available for inspection within the city at the times and places as the City Council may designate.



 (H)      Bond.  The contractor or authorized collector may be required to furnish a surety bond in an amount as the City Council deems necessary running to and approved by the City Council, guaranteeing the authorized collector’s or contractor’s faithful and continuous performance of the terms of the franchise, written permission or contract and of this chapter.





Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the collection for hire by other persons of leaves, trees or tree limbs.




            General Provisions


51.001   Definitions

51.002   Control of sewers; administration of chapter

51.003   Building sewers; general requirements

51.004   Tampering with wastewater facilities

51.005   Cost of repairing or restoring sewers


            General Regulations


51.015   Deposits of unsanitary manner prohibited

51.016   Discharge of wastewater or other polluted waters

51.017   Restrictions on wastewater disposal facilities

51.018   Installation of service connection to public sewer

51.019   Failure to connect to a public sewer


            Private Wastewater Disposal


51.035   Public sewer not available

51.036   Permits

51.037   Type, capacities, location and layout

51.038   Direct connection required

51.039   Operation and maintenance by owner

51.040   Application of subchapter


            Building Sewers and Connections


51.055   Restrictions on new connections

51.056   Building sewer permits

51.057   Costs and expenses

51.058   Separate building sewers required

51.059   Old building sewers; restrictions on use

51.060   Conformance to State Building and Plumbing Code requirements

51.061   Elevation below basement floor

51.062   Surface runoff or groundwater connections prohibited

51.063   Excavations

51.064   Licenses






            Use of Public Services


51.080   Discharges of unpolluted water

51.081   Discharges of waters or wastes

51.082   Limited discharges

51.083   Discharges hazardous to life or constitute public nuisances

51.084   Increasing use of process water

51.085   Pretreatment or flow-equalizing facilities

51.086   Grease, oil and sand interceptors

51.087   Industrial wastes; installations

51.088   Industrial wastes; requirements

51.089   Measurements, tests and analyses of waters and wastes

51.090   Protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials

51.091   Permitting substance or matter to flow or pass into public sewers

51.092   Repairing service connection

51.093      Catch basin or waste traps required for motor vehicle washing or servicing facilities

51.094   Special agreement and arrangement


            User Rate Schedule for Charges


51.110   Charges generally

51.111   Purpose

51.112   Definitions

51.113   Establishment of a sewer service charge system

51.114   Determination of sewer service charges

51.115   Sewer service fund

51.116   Administration

51.117   Disconnection for late payment


            Powers and Authority of Inspectors


51.130   Authorized employees permitted to enter all properties

51.131   Authorized employees obtaining information for industrial processes

51.132   Authorized employees to observe safety rules

51.133   Authorized employees permitted to enter all property with easements


51.999   Penalty


Health and Safety; Nuisances, see Chapter 92






§ 51.001  DEFINITIONS.


For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.


ACT.  The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also referred to as the Clean Water Act, being 33 USC 1251 et seq., as amended.


ASTM.  American Society for Testing Materials.


AUTHORITY.  This city or its representative thereof.


BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD5).  The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20º C, expressed in terms of milligrams per liter (mg/l).


BUILDING DRAIN.  The part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning three feet outside the building wall.


BUILDING SEWER.  The extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal, also referred to as a house connection or service connection.


CITY.  The area within the corporate boundaries of the city as presently established or as amended by ordinance or other legal actions at a future time.  The term CITY when used herein may also be used to refer to the City Council and its authorized representative.


CONTROL MANHOLE.  A structure specially constructed for the purpose of measuring flow and sampling of wastes.


EASEMENT.  An acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.


GARBAGE.  Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and serving of food.


INDUSTRIAL WASTE.  Gaseous, liquid and solid wastes resulting from industrial or manufacturing processes, trade or business, or from the development, recovery and processing of natural resources, as distinct from residential or domestic strength wastes.


INDUSTRY.  Any nongovernmental or nonresidential user of a publicly owned treatment works which is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, latest edition, which is categorized in Divisions A, B, D, E and I.


INFILTRATION.  Water entering the sewage system (including building drains and pipes) from the ground through means as defective pipes, pipe joints, connections and manhole walls.


INFILTRATION/INFLOW (I/I).  The total quantity of water from both infiltration and inflow.


INFLOW.  Water other than wastewater that enters a sewer system (including building drains) from sources such as, but not limited to, roof leaders, cellar drains, yard and area drains, foundation drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross-connections from storm sewers, catch basins, surface runoff, street wash waters or drainage.


INTERFERENCE.  The inhibition or disruption of the city’s wastewater disposal system processes or operations which causes or significantly contributes to a violation of any requirement of the city’s NPDES or SDS permit.  The term includes sewage sludge use or disposal by the city in accordance with published regulations providing guidelines under Section 405 of the Act (33 USC 1345) or any regulations developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC 6901 et seq.), the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401 et seq.), the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 USC 2601 et seq.), or more stringent state criteria applicable to the method of disposal or use employed by the city.


MAY.  The term is permissive.


MPCA.  The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.


NATIONAL CATEGORICAL PRETREATMENT STANDARDS.  Federal regulations establishing pretreatment standards for introduction of pollutants in publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities which are determined to be not susceptible to treatment by those treatment facilities or would interfere with the operation of those treatment facilities, pursuant to Section 307(b) of the Act (33 USC 1317(b)).


NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT.  A permit issued by the MPCA, setting limits on pollutants that a permittee may legally discharge into navigable waters of the United States pursuant to Sections 402 and 405 of the Act (33 USC 1342 and 33 USC 1345).


NATURAL OUTLET.  Any outlet, including storm sewers and combined sewers, which overflow into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface water or ground water.


NON-CONTACT COOLING WATER.  The water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, or during which the only pollutant added is heat.


NORMAL DOMESTIC STRENGTH WASTE.  Wastewater that is primarily introduced by residential users with a BOD5 concentration not greater than 287 mg/l and a suspended solids (TSS) concentration not greater than 287 mg/l.


PERSON.  Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.


pH.  The logarithm of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions in terms of grams per liter of solution.


PRETREATMENT.  The treatment of wastewater from industrial sources prior to the introduction of the waste effluent into a publicly-owned treatment works.


PROPERLY SHREDDED GARBAGE.  The wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers with no particle greater than 2-inch (1.27 cm) in any dimension.


SEWAGE.  The spent water of a community.  The preferred term is wastewater.


SEWER.  A pipe or conduit that carries wastewater or drainage water.


(1)        COLLECTION SEWER.  A sewer whose primary purpose is to collect wastewaters from individual point source discharges and connections.


(2)        INTERCEPTOR SEWER.  A sewer whose primary purpose is to transport wastewater from collection sewers to a treatment facility.


(3)        PRIVATE SEWER.  A sewer which is not owned and maintained by a public authority.


(4)        PUBLIC SEWER.  A sewer owned, maintained and controlled by a public authority.


(5)        SANITARY SEWER.  A sewer intended to carry only liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions together with minor quantities of ground, storm and surface waters which are not admitted intentionally.


(6)        STORM SEWER or STORM DRAIN.  A drain or sewer intended to carry storm waters, surface runoff, ground water, subsurface water, street wash water, drainage and unpolluted water from any source.


SHALL.  The term is mandatory.


STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (SDS) PERMIT.  Any permit (including any terms, conditions and requirements thereof) issued by the MPCA pursuant to M.S. § 115.07, as it may be amended from time to time for a disposal system as defined by M.S. § 115.01(8), as it may be amended from time to time.


SUSPENDED SOLIDS (SS) or TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS).  The total suspended matter that either floats on the surface of, or is in suspension in water, wastewater or other liquids, and is removable by laboratory filtering as prescribed in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, latest edition, and referred to as non-filterable residue.


TOXIC POLLUTANT.  The concentration of any pollutant or combination of pollutants which upon exposure to or assimilation into any organism will cause adverse affects as defined in standards issued pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Act (33 USC 1317(a)).


UNPOLLUTED WATER.  Water of quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect, or water that would not cause violation of receiving water quality standards, and would not be benefited by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment facilities.


USER.  Any person who discharges or causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into the city’s wastewater disposal system.


UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT.  The person appointed by the City Council to supervise the sewer and water systems of the city.


WASTEWATER.  The spent water of a community and referred to as sewage.  From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions together with any ground water, surface water and storm water that may be present.


WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS or TREATMENT WORKS.  An arrangement of any devices, facilities, structures, equipment or processes owned or used by the city for the purpose of the transmission, storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage, domestic sewage or industrial wastewater, or structures necessary to recycle or reuse water including interceptor sewers, outfall sewers, collection sewers, pumping, power and other equipment and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions and alterations thereof; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled water supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and any works including land which is an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from that treatment.


WPCF.  The Water Pollution Control Federation.





The Utilities Superintendent, or other official designated by the City Council shall have control and general supervision of all public sewers and service connections in the city, and shall be responsible for administering the provisions of this chapter to the end that a proper and efficient public sewer is maintained.





Building sewer construction shall meet the pertinent requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, which is those chapters of Minn. Rules referenced in Minn. Rules part 1300.2400, subpart 6, as they may be amended from time to time, and the Minnesota Plumbing Code, Minn. Rules Ch. 4715, as it may be amended from time to time.  The applicant shall notify the City Clerk when the building sewer and connection is ready for inspection.  The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Building Official or the Building Official’s representative, if the city has adopted the State Building Code.  If the city has not adopted the State Building Code, the Utilities Superintendent shall perform the inspection.  If the city does not have a Utilities Superintendent, an installer licensed under § 51.064 shall certify that the building sewer and connection comply with the State Building Code.  No backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected and approved, or until the certification has been received.

Penalty, see § 51.999





No person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the wastewater facilities.  Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under the charge of a misdemeanor.

Penalty, see § 51.999





In addition to any penalties that may be imposed for violation of any provision of this chapter, the city may assess against any person the cost of repairing or restoring sewers or associated facilities damaged as a result of the discharge of prohibited wastes by that person, and may collect the assessment as an additional charge for the use of the public sewer system or in any other manner deemed appropriate by the city.









It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the city, or in any area under the city’s jurisdiction, any human or animal excrement, garbage or objectionable waste.

Penalty, see § 51.999





It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet any wastewater or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this chapter and the city’s NPDES/SDS permit.

Penalty, see § 51.999




Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of wastewater.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The owners of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes from which wastewater is discharged, and which is situated within the city and adjacent to any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located, or may in the future be located, a public sanitary sewer of the city shall be required at the owner’s expense to install a suitable service connection to the public sewer in accordance with provisions of this code within 365 days of the date the public sewer is operational; provided, the public sewer is within 200 feet of the structure generating the wastewater.  All future buildings constructed on property adjacent to the public sewer shall be required to immediately connect to the public sewer.  If sewer connections are not made pursuant to this section, an official ten-day notice shall be served instructing the affected property owner to make the connection.

Penalty, see § 51.999





In the event an owner shall fail to connect to a public sewer in compliance with a notice given under § 51.018, the city shall undertake to have the connection made and shall assess the cost thereof against the benefited property.  The assessment, when levied, shall bear interest at the rate determined by the City Council and shall be certified to the County Auditor and shall be collected and remitted to the city in the same manner as assessments for local improvements.  The rights of the city shall be in addition to any remedial or enforcement provisions of this chapter.

Penalty, see § 51.999









Where a public sewer is not available under the provisions of § 51.018, the building sewer shall be connected to a private wastewater disposal system complying with the provisions of this subchapter and Minn. Rules Ch. 7080, Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Program, as they may be amended from time to time.

Penalty, see § 51.999


§ 51.036  PERMITS.


(A)       Required.  Prior to commencement of construction of a private wastewater disposal system, the owner shall first obtain a written permit signed by the city.  The application for the permit shall be made on a form furnished by the city, which the applicant shall supplement by any plans, specifications and other information as are deemed necessary to the city.


(B)       Inspections.  A permit for a private wastewater disposal system shall not become effective until the installation is completed to the satisfaction of the city or its authorized representative.  The city or its representative shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction, and in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the city when work is ready for final inspection, and before any underground portions are covered.  The inspection shall be made within 24 hours of the receipt of notice.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The type, capacities, location, and layout of a private wastewater disposal system shall comply with all requirements of Minn. Rules Ch. 7080, Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Program, as they may be amended from time to time.  No septic tank or cesspool shall be permitted to discharge to any natural outlet.

Penalty, see § 51.999





At the time as a public sewer becomes available to a property serviced by a private wastewater disposal system, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer within 365 days in compliance with this chapter, and within 365 days any septic tanks, cesspools and similar private wastewater disposal systems shall be cleaned of sludge.  The bottom shall be broken to permit drainage, and the tank or pit filled with suitable material.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The owner shall operate and maintain the private wastewater disposal facilities in a sanitary manner at all times at no expense to the city.





No statement contained in this subchapter shall be construed to interfere with any additional requirements that may be imposed by the MPCA or the Minnesota Department of Health.









Any new connections to the sanitary sewer system shall be prohibited unless sufficient capacity is available in all downstream facilities, including but not limited to capacity for flow, BOD5 and suspended solids, as determined by the Utilities Superintendent.

Penalty, see § 51.999





(A)       Required.  No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the city.


(B)       Applications.  Applications for permits shall be made by the owner or authorized agent and the party employed to do the work, and shall state the location, name of owner, street number of the building to be connected and how occupied.  No person shall extend any private building drain beyond the limits of the building or property for which the service connection permit has been given.


(C)       Classes.  There shall be two classes of building sewer permits:  one for residential and commercial service, and one for service to establishments producing industrial wastes.  In either case, the application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or any other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the city.  The industry, as a condition of permit authorization, must provide information describing its wastewater constituents, characteristics and type of activity.


(D)       Inspection and connection.  The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the city when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer.  The connection and inspection shall be made under the supervision of the Utilities Superintendent or authorized representative thereof.

Penalty, see § 51.999







All costs and expenses incidental to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner.  The owner shall indemnify the city from any loss or damage that may be directly or indirectly occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.

Penalty, see § 51.999





A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building, except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway.  The building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered one building sewer.  The city does not and will not assume any obligation or responsibility for damage caused by or resulting from any connection.

Penalty, see § 51.999





Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the Utilities Superintendent or his or her representative, to meet all requirements of this chapter.





(A)       The size, slopes, alignment, materials of construction of building sewers and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing, and backfilling of the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of the State Building and Plumbing Code or other applicable rules and regulations of the city.


(B)       The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall conform to the requirements of the State Building and Plumbing Code or other applicable rules and regulations of the city.  All connections shall be made gastight and watertight, and verified by proper testing to prevent the inclusion of infiltration/inflow.  Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the city prior to installation.

Penalty, see § 51.999








Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor.  In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by the building drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer.

Penalty, see § 51.999





No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, sump pumps, foundation drains, areaway drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or indirectly to the wastewater disposal system.

Penalty, see § 51.999



§ 51.063  EXCAVATIONS.


All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard.  Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the city.

Penalty, see § 51.999



§ 51.064  LICENSES.


(A)       Required.  No person shall make a service connection with any public sewer unless regularly licensed under this chapter to perform the work, and no permit shall be granted to any person except a regularly licensed person.


(B)       Application.  Any person desiring a license to make a service connection with public sewers shall apply in writing to the City Council with satisfactory evidence that the applicant or employer is trained or skilled in the business and qualified to receive a license.  All applications shall be referred to the Utilities Superintendent for recommendations to the Council.  If approved by the Council, the license shall be issued by the City Clerk upon the filing of a bond as hereinafter provided.


(C)       Issuance.  No license shall be issued to any person until a policy of insurance to the city, approved by the Council, is filed with the City Clerk conditioned that the licensee will indemnify and save harmless the city from all suits, accidents and damage that may arise by reason of any opening in any street, alley or public ground made by the licensee or by those in the licensee’s employment for any purpose whatever, and that the licensee will replace and restore the street and alley over that opening to the condition existing prior to installation, adequately guard with barricades and lights, and will keep and maintain the same to the satisfaction of the Utilities Superintendent, and shall conform in all respects to any rules and regulations of the Council relative thereto, and pay all fines that may be imposed on the licensee by law.


(D)       Fee.  The license fee for making service connections shall be as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.  All licenses shall expire on December 31 of the license year unless the license is suspended or revoked by the Council for cause.


(E)       Suspension or revocation.  The Council may suspend or revoke any license issued under this subchapter for any of the following causes:


(1)        Giving false information in connection with the application for a license.


(2)        Incompetence of the licensee.


(3)        Willful violation of any provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation pertaining to the making of service connections.

Penalty, see § 51.999









(A)       No person shall discharge or caused to be discharged any water such as stormwater, ground water, roof runoff, surface drainage or non-contact cooling water to any sanitary sewer.


(B)       Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to those sewers as are specifically designed as storm sewers or to a natural outlet approved by the city and other regulatory agencies.  Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged to a storm sewer or natural outlet on approval of the city and upon approval and the issuance of a discharge permit by the MPCA.

Penalty, see § 51.999





No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any public sewers:


(A)       Any liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or may be, sufficient either alone or by interaction with other substances to cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the wastewater disposal system or to the operation of the system.  Prohibited materials include but are not limited to gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hydrides and sulfides.


(B)       Solid or viscous substances which will cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or other interference with the operation of the wastewater treatment facilities such as but not limited to grease, garbage with particles greater than 2-inch in any dimension, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshings, entrails, whole blood, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, waste paper, wood, plastic, asphalt residues, residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, mud or glass grinding or polishing wastes.


(C)       Any wastewater having a pH of less than 5.0 or greater than 9.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the wastewater disposal system.


(D)       Any wastewater containing toxic pollutants in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, to inhibit or disrupt any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or create a toxic effect in the receiving waters of the wastewater disposal system.  A toxic pollutant shall include but not be limited to any pollutant identified pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Act (33 USC 1317(a)).

Penalty, see § 51.999





(A)       The following described substances, materials, water or wastes shall be limited in discharges to municipal systems to concentrations or quantities which will not harm either sewers, the wastewater treatment works, treatment process or equipment, will not have an adverse effect on the receiving stream and soil, vegetation and ground water, or will not otherwise endanger lives, limb, public property, or constitute a nuisance.  The Utilities Superintendent may set limitations lower than limitations established in the regulations below if, in his or her opinion, the more severe limitations are necessary to meet the above objectives.  In forming his or her opinion as to the acceptability of wastes, the Utilities Superintendent will give consideration to factors as the quantity of subject waste in reaction to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of the sewage treatment process, the city’s NPDES/SDS permit, capacity of the sewage treatment plant, degree of treatability of wastes in the sewage treatment plant, and other pertinent factors.


(B)       The limitations or restrictions on materials or characteristics of waste or wastewaters discharged to the sanitary sewer which shall not be violated without approval of the Utilities Superintendent are as follows:


(1)        Any wastewater having a temperature greater than 150º F (65.6º C), or causing, individually or in combination with other wastewater, the influent at the wastewater treatment plant to have a temperature exceeding 104º F (40º C), or having heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the wastewater treatment works resulting in interference therein.


(2)        Any wastewater containing fats, wax, grease or oils, whether emulsified or not, in excess of 100 mg/l or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32º F and 150º F (0º C and 65.6º C); and any wastewater containing oil and grease concentrations of mineral origin of greater than 100 mg/l, whether emulsified or not.


(3)        Any quantities of flow, concentrations, or both which constitute a “slug” as defined in § 51.001.


(4)        Any garbage not properly shredded, as defined in § 51.001 of this chapter.  Garbage grinders may be connected to sanitary sewers from homes, hotels, institutions, restaurants, hospitals, catering establishments or similar places where garbage originates from the preparation of food on the premises or when served by caterers.


(5)        Any noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or solids which either singly or by interaction with other wastes are capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life, or are sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers for their maintenance and repair.


(6)        Any wastewater with objectionable color not removed in the treatment process such as but not limited to dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions.


(7)        Non-contact cooling water or unpolluted storm, drainage or ground water.


(8)        Wastewater containing inert suspended-solids such as but not limited to fullers earth, lime slurries, and lime residues, or of dissolved solids such as but not limited to sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, in quantities that would cause disruption with the wastewater disposal system.


(9)        Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of half-life or concentration as may exceed limits established by the Utilities Superintendent in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations.


(10)     Any waters or wastes containing the following substances to the degree that any material received in the composite wastewater at the wastewater treatment works is detrimental to treatment process, adversely impacts land application, adversely effects receiving waters, or is in violation of standards pursuant to Section 307(b) of the Act (33 USC 1317(b)):  Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Cyanide, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, total Chromium, Zinc and Phenolic compounds which cannot be removed by the city’s wastewater treatment system.


(11)      Any wastewater that creates conditions at or near the wastewater disposal system which violates any statute, rule, regulation or ordinance of any regulatory agency, or state or federal regulatory body.


(12)      Any waters or wastes containing BOD5 or suspended solids of character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle the materials at the wastewater treatment works, except as may be permitted by specific written agreement subject to the provisions of § 51.094.





(A)       If any waters or wastes are discharged or are proposed to be discharged to the public sewers which contain substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in § 51.082, or which in the judgment of the Utilities Superintendent may have a deleterious effect upon the wastewater treatment facilities, processes, or equipment, receiving waters or soil, vegetation, and ground water, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the city may:


(1)        Reject the wastes;


(2)        Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers, pursuant to Section 307(b) of the Act (33 USC 1317(b)) and all amendments thereof;


(3)        Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge; and


(4)        Require payment to cover the added costs of handling, treating and disposing of wastes not covered by existing taxes or sewer service charges.


(B)       If the city permits the pretreatment or equalization of waste flows, the design, installation and maintenance of the facilities and equipment shall be made at the owner’s expense and shall be subject to the review and approval of the city pursuant to the requirements of the MPCA.





No user shall increase the use of process water or, in any manner, attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the limitations contained in §§ 51.081 and 51.082, or contained in the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or any state requirements.

Penalty, see § 51.999





Where pretreatment or flow-equalizing facilities are provided or required for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation at the expense of the owner.





Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Utilities Superintendent, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing floatable grease in excessive amounts, as specified in § 51.082(B)(2), any flammable wastes as specified in § 51.081(A), sand or other harmful ingredients; except that interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units.  All interceptors shall be of the type to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.  In the maintaining of these interceptors, the owner shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal of the captured materials by appropriate means, and shall maintain a record of dates and means of disposal which are subject to review by the Utilities Superintendent.  Any removal and hauling of the collecting materials not performed by the owner’s personnel must be performed by a currently licensed waste disposal firm.

Penalty, see § 51.999





Where required by the city, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable structure, or control manhole, with necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of wastes.  The structure shall be accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the city.  The structure shall be installed by the owner at his or her expense and shall be maintained by the owner to be safe and accessible at all times.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes may, at the discretion of the city, be required to provide laboratory measurements, tests or analyses of waters or wastes to illustrate compliance with this chapter and any special condition for discharge established by the city or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the discharge.  The number, type and frequency of sampling and laboratory analyses to be performed by the owner shall be as stipulated by the city.  The industry must supply a complete analysis of the constituents of the wastewater discharge to assure that compliance with federal, state and local standards are being met.  The owner shall report the results of measurements and laboratory analyses to the city at times and in the manner as prescribed by the city.  The owner shall bear the expense of all measurements, analyses and reporting required by the city.  At those times as deemed necessary, the city reserves the right to take measurements and supplies for analysis by an independent laboratory.

Penalty, see § 51.999





All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Public Health Association.  Sampling methods, location, times, duration and frequencies are to be determined on an individual basis subject to approval by the Utilities Superintendent.

Penalty, see § 51.999





Where required by the city, the owner of any property serviced by a sanitary sewer shall provide protection from an accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this chapter.  Where necessary, facilities to prevent accidental discharges of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the owner’s expense.  Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the Utilities Superintendent for review and approval prior to construction of the facility.  Review and approval of the plans and operating procedures shall not relieve any user from the responsibility to modify the user’s facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter.  Users shall notify the Utilities Superintendent immediately upon having a slug or accidental discharge of substances of wastewater in violation of this chapter to enable countermeasures to be taken by the Utilities Superintendent to minimize damage to the wastewater treatment works.  The notification will not relieve any user of any liability for any expense, loss or damage to the wastewater treatment system or treatment process, or for any fines imposed on the city on account thereof under any state and federal law.  Employers shall insure that all employees who may cause or discover a discharge are advised of the emergency notification procedure.

Penalty, see § 51.999





No person having charge of any building or other premises that drains into the public sewer shall permit any substance or matter which may form a deposit or obstruction to flow or pass into the public sewer.  Within 30 days after receipt of written notice from the city, the owner shall install a suitable and sufficient catch basin or waste trap, or if one already exists, shall clean out, repair or alter the same, and perform other work as the Utilities Superintendent may deem necessary.  Upon the owner’s refusal or neglect to install a catch basin or waste trap or to clean out, repair, or alter the same after the period of 30 days, the Utilities Superintendent may cause the work to be completed at the expense of the owner or representative thereof.

Penalty, see § 51.999





Whenever any service connection becomes clogged, obstructed, broken or out of order, or detrimental to the use of the public sewer, or unfit for the purpose of drainage, the owner shall repair or cause the work to be done as the Utilities Superintendent may direct.  Each day after 30 days that a person neglects or fails to so act shall constitute a separate violation of this section, and the Utilities Superintendent may then cause the work to be done, and recover from the owner or agent the expense thereof by an action in the name of the city.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The owner or operator of any motor vehicle washing or servicing facility shall provide and maintain in serviceable condition at all times a catch basin or waste trap in the building drain system to prevent grease, oil, dirt or any mineral deposit from entering the public sewer system.

Penalty, see § 51.999




No statement contained in this subchapter shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment, subject to payment therefore by the industrial concern; provided, that National Categorical Pretreatment Standards and the city’s NPDES/SDS Permit limitations are not violated.









Each user of sewer service shall pay the charges applicable to the type of service and in accordance with the provisions set forth in this subchapter.



§ 51.111  PURPOSE.


The purpose of the subchapter is to provide for sewer service charges to recover costs associated with operation, maintenance and replacement to ensure effective functioning of the city’s wastewater treatment system, and local capital costs incurred in the construction of the city’s wastewater treatment system.



§ 51.112  DEFINITIONS.


For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.


ADMINISTRATION.  Those fixed costs attributable to administration of the wastewater treatment works such as billing and associated bookkeeping and accounting costs.


CITY.  The area within the corporate boundaries of the city as presently established or as amended by ordinance or other legal actions at a future time.  When used herein the term CITY may also refer to the City Council or its authorized representative.


DEBT SERVICE CHARGE.  A charge levied on users of wastewater treatment facilities for the cost of repaying money bonded to construct the facilities.


INCOMPATIBLE WASTE.  Waste that either singly or by interaction with other wastes interferes with any waste treatment process, constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a public nuisance or creates any hazard in the receiving waters of the wastewater treatment works.




(1)                    (a)        Entities that discharge into a publicly owned wastewater treatment works liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industrial or manufacturing processes, or from the development of any natural resources.  These are identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, latest edition, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemental under one of the following divisions:


Division A.    Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Division B.    Mining

Division D.    Manufacturing

Division E.    Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary sewers

Division I.    Services


(b)        For the purpose of this definition, domestic waste shall be considered to have the following characteristics:  BOD5 - less than 287 mg/l; Suspended solids - less than 287 mg/l.



(2)        Any nongovernmental user of a publicly owned treatment works which discharges wastewater to the treatment works which contains toxic pollutants or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity either singly or by interaction with other wastes to contaminate the sludge of any municipal systems, or to injure or to interfere with any sewage treatment process, or which constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a public nuisance, or creates any hazard in or has an adverse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the treatment works.


MAY.  The term is permissive.


OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE.  Activities required to provide for the dependable and economical functioning of the treatment works, throughout the design or useful life, whichever is longer of the treatment works, and at the level of performance for which the treatment works were constructed.  The term includes replacement.


OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS.  Expenditures for operation and maintenance, including replacement.


REPLACEMENT.  Obtaining and installing of equipment, accessories or appurtenances which are necessary during the design life or useful life, whichever is longer, of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which the works were designed and constructed.


REPLACEMENT COSTS.  Expenditures for replacement.


SANITARY SEWER.  A sewer intended to carry only liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions, together with minor quantities of ground, storm and surface waters which are not admitted intentionally.


SEWER SERVICE CHARGE.  The aggregate of all charges, including charges for operation, maintenance, replacement, debt service, and other sewer related charges that are billed periodically to users of the city’s wastewater treatment facilities.


SEWER SERVICE FUND.  A fund into which income from sewer service charges is deposited along with other income, including taxes intended to retire debt incurred through capital expenditure for wastewater treatment.  Expenditure of the sewer service fund will be for operation, maintenance and replacement costs and to retire debt incurred through capital expenditure for wastewater treatment.


SHALL.  The term is mandatory.


TOXIC POLLUTANT.  The concentration of any pollutant or combination of pollutants as defined in standards issued pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Act (33 USC 1317(a)), which upon exposure to or assimilation into any organism, will cause adverse effects.


USER CHARGE.  A charge levied on a user of a treatment works for the user’s proportionate share of the cost of operation and maintenance, including replacement.


USERS.  Those residential, commercial, governmental, institutional and industrial establishments which are connected to the public sewer collection system.


WASTEWATER.  The spent water of a community, also referred to as sewage.  From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions together with any ground water, surface water and storm water that may be present.


WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS or TREATMENT WORKS.  An arrangement of any devices, facilities, structures, equipment or processes owned or used by the city for the purpose of the transmission, storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage, domestic sewage or industrial wastewater, or structures necessary to recycle or reuse water including interceptor sewers, outfall sewers, collection sewers, pumping, power and other equipment and their appurtenances; extensions, improvements, remodeling, additions and alterations thereof; elements essential to provide a reliable recycled water supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and any works including land which is an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from the treatment.





(A)       The city hereby establishes a Sewer Service Charge System whereby all revenue collected from users of the wastewater treatment facilities will be used to affect all expenditures incurred for annual operation, maintenance and replacement and for debt service on capital expenditure incurred in constructing the wastewater treatment works.


(B)       Each user shall pay its proportionate share of operation, maintenance, and replacement costs of the treatment works, based on the user’s proportionate contribution to the total wastewater loading from all users.


(C)       Each user shall pay debt service charges to retire local capital costs as determined by the City Council.


(D)       Sewer service rates and charges to users of the wastewater treatment facility shall be determined and fixed in a “Sewer Service Charge System” developed according to the provisions of this subchapter.  The Sewer Service Charge System shall be the system enacted prior to the adoption of this code.  The Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code may be amended from time to time to include subsequent changes in sewer service rates and charges.


(E)       Revenues collected for sewer service shall be deposited in a separate fund known as “The Sewer Service Fund.”  Income from revenues collected will be expended to off-set the cost of operation, maintenance and equipment replacement for the facility and to retire the debt for capital expenditure.


(F)       Sewer service charges and the sewer service fund will be administrated in accordance with the provisions of § 51.116.


(G)       A connection fee as fixed in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time, shall be charged to each user connecting a new service to the Sanitary Sewer System.  The connection fee shall be due and payable within 90 days of the date the connection is completed.

Penalty, see § 51.999





The sewer service rates and charges to users of the wastewater treatment facility shall be as established by ordinance or resolution prior to the adoption of this code, unless amended or modified in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges, adopted pursuant to § 30.11, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.

Penalty, see § 51.999





(A)       The city hereby establishes a “Sewer Service Fund” as an income fund to receive all revenues generated by the sewer service charge system, and all other income dedicated to the operation, maintenance, replacement and construction of the wastewater treatment works, including taxes, special charges, fees and assessments intended to retire construction debt.  The city also establishes the following accounts as income and expenditure accounts within the sewer service fund:


(1)               Operation and maintenance account.


(2)        Equipment replacement account.


(3)        Debt retirement account.


(B)       All revenue generated by the sewer service charge system, and all other income pertinent to the treatment system, including taxes and special assessments dedicated to retire construction debt, shall be held by the City Clerk separate and apart from all other funds of the city.  Funds received by the sewer service fund shall be transferred to the “Operation and Maintenance Account,” the “Equipment Replacement Account,” and the “Debt Retirement Account” in accordance with state and federal regulations and the provisions of this chapter.


(C)       Revenue generated by the sewer service charge system sufficient to insure adequate replacement throughout the design life or useful life, whichever is longer, of the wastewater facility shall be held separate and apart in the “Equipment Replacement Account” and dedicated to affecting replacement costs.  Interest income generated by the “Equipment Replacement Account” shall remain in the “Equipment Replacement Account.”


(D)       Revenue generated by the sewer service charge system sufficient for operation and maintenance shall be held separate and apart in the “Operation and Maintenance Account.”





The sewer service charge system and sewer service fund shall be administrated according to the following provisions:


(A)       The City Clerk shall maintain a proper system of accounts suitable for determining the operation and maintenance, equipment replacement and debt retirement costs of the treatment works, and shall furnish the City Council with a report of those costs annually in December.  The City Council shall annually determine whether or not sufficient revenue is being generated for the effective operation, maintenance, replacement and management of the treatment works, and whether sufficient revenue is being generated for debt retirement.  The Council will also determine whether the user charges are distributed proportionately to each user in accordance with § 51.113(B).  The city shall thereafter, but not later than the end of the year, reassess and as necessary revise the Sewer Service Charge System then in use to insure the proportionality of the user charges and to insure the sufficiency of funds to maintain the capacity and performance to which the facilities were constructed, and to retire the construction debt.


(B)       In accordance with federal and state requirements, each user will be notified annually in conjunction with a regular billing of that portion of the sewer service charge attributable to operation, maintenance and replacement.


(C)       In accordance with federal and state requirements, the City Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining all records necessary to document compliance with the Sewer Service Charge System adopted.


(D)       Bills for sewer service charges shall be rendered on a quarterly basis succeeding the period for which the service was rendered and shall be due upon receipt.  Any bill not paid in full 30 days after the due date will be considered delinquent.  At that time the city shall notify the delinquent owner/occupant in writing regarding the delinquent bill and subsequent penalty.  The penalty shall be computed at 10% of the original bill and shall be increased the same 10% for every quarter the bill is outstanding.  Disconnection of services for late payment shall follow the procedures established in § 51.117:


(E)       The owner of the premises shall be liable to pay for the service to their premises, and the service is furnished to the premises by the city only upon the condition that the owner of the premises is liable therefore to the city.


(F)       Any additional costs caused by discharges to the treatment works of toxics or other incompatible wastes, including the cost of restoring wastewater treatment services, clean up and restoration of the receiving waters and environs, and sludge disposal, shall be borne by the discharger of the wastes, at no expense to the city.





(A)       It is the policy of the city to discontinue sewer service to customers by reason of nonpayment of bills only after notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard on disputed bills.


(1)        All bills are due and payable upon receipt.  Any bill not paid within 30 days shall be considered delinquent;


(2)        If any bill is not paid within 30 days of receipt, a second bill will be mailed containing a cutoff notice that if the bill is not paid within ten days of the mailing of the second bill, service will be discontinued for nonpayment; and


(3)        Any customer disputing the correctness of his or her bill shall have a right to a hearing at which time he or she may be represented in person and by counsel or any other person of his or her choosing and may present orally or in writing his or her complaint and contentions to the city official in charge of utility billing.  This official shall be authorized to order that the customer’s service not be discontinued and shall have the authority to make a final determination of the customer’s complaint.


(B)       Requests for delays or waiver of payment will not be entertained; only questions of proper and correct billing will be considered.  In the absence of payment of the bill rendered or resort to the hearing procedure provided herein, service will be discontinued at the time specified, but in no event until the charges have been due and unpaid for at least 30 days.


(C)       When it becomes necessary for the city to discontinue sewer service to a customer for nonpayment of bills, service will be reinstated only after all bills for service then due have been paid, along with a turn-on charge as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.








The Utilities Superintendent or other duly authorized employees of the city, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purpose of inspection, observations, measurement, sampling and testing pertinent to the discharges to the city’s sewer system in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.





The Utilities Superintendent or other duly authorized employees are authorized to obtain information concerning industrial processes which have a direct bearing on the type and source of discharge to the wastewater collection system.  An industry may withhold information considered confidential; however, the industry must establish that the revelation to the public of the information in question might result in an advantage to competitors.





While performing necessary work on private properties, the Utilities Superintendent or duly authorized employees of the city shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises established by the company, and the property owner shall be held harmless for injury or death to the city employees and the city shall indemnify the property owner against loss or damage to its property by city employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the company and growing out of the gauging and sampling operation, except as may be caused by negligence or failure of the company to maintain safe conditions as required in § 51.087.





The Utilities Superintendent or other duly authorized employees of the city bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the city holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of but not limited to inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair and maintenance of any portion of the wastewater facilities lying within the easement.  All entry and subsequent work, if any, on the easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement pertaining to the private property involved.



§ 51.999  PENALTY.



(1)        Any person found to be violating any provisions of §§ 51.001 through 51.094 and 51.130 through 51.133 shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof.  The offender shall, within the period of time stated in the notice, permanently cease all violations.


(2)        Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in Division (A) of this section shall be punished as provided in § 10.99.  Each day in which any violation occurs shall be deemed as a separate offense.


(3)        Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 51.001 through 51.094 and 51.130 through 51.133 shall become liable to the city for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the city by reason of that violation.



(1)        Each and every sewer service charge levied by and pursuant to §§ 51.110 through 51.118 is made a lien upon the lot or premises served, and all charges which are on October 31 of each year past due and delinquent shall be certified to the County Auditor by November 30 as taxes or assessments on the real estate.  Nothing in §§ 51.110 through 51.118 shall be held or construed as in any way stopping or interfering with the right of the city to levy as taxes or assessments against any premises affected any delinquent or past due sewer service charges.


(2)        As an alternative to levying a lien, the city may, at its discretion, file suit in a civil action to collect amounts as are delinquent and due against the occupant, owner or user of the real estate, and shall collect as well all attorney’s fees incurred by the city in filing the civil action.  Attorney’s fees shall be fixed by order of the court.


(3)        In addition to all penalties and costs attributable and chargeable to recording notices of the lien or filing a civil action, the owner or user of the real estate being serviced by the treatment works shall be liable for interest upon all unpaid balances at the rate of 8% per annum.



            General Provisions

52.01     General operation

52.02     Use of water service

52.03     Use to circumvent chapter prohibited

52.04     Damage to water system

52.05     Connections beyond city boundaries

52.06     Connection to system required; use of private wells

52.07     Use of water for air conditioning; permits

52.08     Use of water from fire hydrants; temporary connections

52.09     Water deficiency, shut off and use restrictions


            Water Regulations

52.25     Supply from one service

52.26     Tapping of mains restricted

52.27     Repairs

52.28     Abandoned or unused services

52.29     Disconnection permit

52.30     Service pipes

52.31     Excavation and construction requirements

52.32     Connection to other water supplies restricted

52.33     Water connections; applications and charges

52.34     Location of curb stop box


            Rates and Charges

52.50     Water connection

52.51     Rates, fees and charges generally

52.52     Water service billing; change of address

52.53     Water rates

52.54     Payment of charges; late payment; collection


            Administration and Enforcement

52.70     Supervision by Utilities Superintendent; licensing

52.71     Powers and authority of inspectors

52.72     Discontinuance of service

52.73     Authorized employees to turn water on and off

52.74     Liability for expense, loss or damage


Cross-reference:  Assessable current services, see § 92.01





The city does hereby make provision for the establishment of a municipal water system (hereinafter called the water system) to be operated as a public utility.





No person other than a city employee or authorized individual of the city shall uncover or make or use any water service installation connected to the city water system except in the manner provided by this chapter.  No person shall make or use any installation contrary to the regulatory provisions of this chapter.

Penalty, see § 10.99





No person shall permit water from the water system to be used for any purpose to circumvent this chapter.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       No unauthorized person shall remove or damage any structure, appurtenance, or part of the water system or fill or partially fill any excavation or move any gate valve used in the water system.


(B)       No person shall make any connection of an electrical welder to the city water main, appurtenance or service or use an electric welder for the purpose of thawing frozen water mains, appurtenances or services.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Where water mains of the city are in any street or alley adjacent to or outside the corporate limits of the city, the City Council may issue permits to the owners or occupants of properties adjacent or accessible to the water main to make proper water service pipe connections with the water mains of the city and to be supplied with water in conformity with the applicable provisions of

this chapter and subject to any contract for the supply of water between the city and a water supplier.

Penalty, see § 10.99



(A)       Except where municipal water is not available, it shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, or repair any private water system which is designed or intended to provide water for human consumption.  Private wells, to provide water for other than human consumption, may be constructed, maintained and continued in use after connection is made to the water system provided there is no means of cross-connection between the private well and municipal water supply at any time.  Hose bibbs that will enable the cross-connection of the two systems are prohibited on internal piping of the well system supply.  Where both private and city systems are in use, outside hose bibbs shall not be installed on both systems.


(B)       All new homes or buildings shall connect to the municipal water system if water is available to the property.  At the time as municipal water becomes available to existing homes or buildings, a direct connection shall be made to the public system within a period of time as determined by the City Council.  If the connection is not made pursuant to this chapter, a charge shall be made in an amount established by § 52.51.


(C)       Where new homes or buildings do not have water available to the property, the city shall determine whether and under what conditions the municipal water system will be extended to serve the property.


(D)       If the well is not to be used after the time a municipal water connection is made:


(1)        The well pump and tank shall be disconnected from all internal piping;


(2)        The casing shall be filled with sandy soil from the bottom to a point eight feet from the top;


(3)        The remaining eight feet shall be filled with concrete to the floor level and the well casing cut off as close to the floor level as possible;


(4)        Within 30 days after the municipal water connection is made, the owner or occupant must advise the City Utilities Superintendent that the well has been sealed.


(5)        Notwithstanding the foregoing, all well abandonment shall be done in accordance with M.S. §§ 103I.301 to 103I.345 and Minn. Rules Ch. 4725, Wells and Borings, as it may be amended from time to time.

Penalty, see § 10.99






(A)       All air conditioning systems which are connected directly or indirectly with the public water system must be equipped with water conserving and water regulating devices as approved by the City Engineer or City Utilities Superintendent.


(B)       Permits shall be required for the installation of all air conditioning systems to the public water system.  The fee shall be established pursuant to § 52.51.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       Use of fire hydrants.  Except for extinguishment of fires, no person, unless authorized by the Public Works Director or Public Utilities Department, shall operate fire hydrants or interfere in any way with the water system without first obtaining a permit to do so from the city as follows:


(1)        A permit to use a fire hydrant shall be issued for each individual job or contract and for as the city shall determine.  The permit shall state the location of the hydrant and shall be for the use of that hydrant and none other.


(2)        The user shall make an advance cash deposit to guarantee payment for water used and to cover breakage and damage to the hydrant and meter, which shall be refunded upon expiration of the permit, less applicable charges for use.


(3)        The user shall relinquish the use of the hydrant to authorized city employees in emergency situations.


(4)        The user shall pay a rental charge as established by the city council based on gallons of water used.


(B)       Temporary connection to fire hydrants.  An owner of a private water system may make a temporary above ground connection to a fire hydrant, subject to the time periods, conditions, and payment specified herein.  In addition, the method of connection to the private system shall conform to all existing requirements of this chapter and city ordinance and the type of meter used shall meet the approval of the Utilities Superintendent.

Penalty, see § 10.99





The city shall not be liable for any deficiency or failure in the supply of water to consumers, whether occasioned by shutting the water off for the purpose of making repairs or connections or from any other cause whatsoever.  In case of fire, or alarm of fire, or in making repairs of construction of new works, water may be shut off without notice at any time and kept off as long as necessary.  In addition, the City Council shall have the right to impose reasonable restrictions on the use of the city water system in emergency situations.  For non-payment of charges, water service may be discontinued according to the procedures established in § 52.72.







No more than one housing unit or building shall be supplied from one service connection except by permission of City Council. 


Penalty, see § 10.99





No person, except persons authorized by the City Council, shall tap any distributing main or pipe of the water supply system or insert stopcocks or ferrules therein.

Penalty, see § 10.99



§ 52.27  REPAIRS.


(A)       Determination of need for repairs.  Based on the information supplied by the property owner or available to the city, the city will make a determination whether a problem exists in that portion of the service which is the city’s responsibility.  If the problem appears to exist in the areas for which the city has no responsibility, the private owners will be responsible for correction of the problem.


(B)       Thawing of water services.  The city will attempt to thaw water services on request of the resident.  If the problem is found within that portion of the service for which the private owner is responsible, the private owner thereafter will be responsible for thawing the service and correction of the problem.


(C)       Excavation or repair of water service.


(1)        The city will arrange for the investigative digging up and repair of any water service where the problem apparently exists within that area for which the city has responsibility.


(2)        Unless it is clearly evident, however, that the problem is the responsibility of the city, the excavation and repair will not be made until the property owner requests the city in writing to excavate or repair the service and agrees to pay the cost.



(3)        The owner further agrees to waive public hearing and be special assessed the cost of the excavation and repair if the problem is found to be other than the city’s responsibility.  The city will make the determination for responsibility of the cost of investigation or repair.


(4)        The matter of whether the dig up is done by city forces or contracted would depend on the urgency or need of repair and the availability of city forces to do the work.  Recovery by the city for faulty construction will depend upon the circumstances and the decision of the City Attorney on the likelihood of recovery.


(D)       Failure to repair.  In case of failure upon the part of any consumer or owner to repair any leak occurring in his or her service pipe within 24 hours after verbal or written notice thereof, the water may be turned off by the city and shall not be turned on until the leak has been repaired.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       If the premises served by water have been abandoned, or if the service has not been used for one year, then the service shall be shut off at the curb stop box by the city.


(B)       When new buildings are erected on the site of old ones, and it is desired to increase or change the old water service, no connections with the mains shall be made until all the old service has been removed and the main taps plugged or yoked connections installed by the city at the owner’s expense.

Penalty, see § 10.99





A permit must be obtained to disconnect from the existing water service leads at the curb stop box.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Every service pipe shall be laid so as to allow at least one foot of extra length in order to prevent rupture by settlement.  The service pipe must be placed no less than seven feet below the ground and in a manner as to prevent rupture by freezing.  Service pipes must extend from the curb stop box to the inside of the building, or if not taken into the building, then to the hydrant or fixtures which it is intended to supply.  Type K copper tubing shall be used up to and including two-inch services.  All underground joints are to be mechanical, except joints under floors shall be silver soldered, unless otherwise approved by the Utilities Superintendent.  Joints of copper tubing shall be kept, to a minimum, with not more than one joint used for service for each 70 feet in length.  Splicing may be approved with three-piece unions only.  All joints and connections shall be left uncovered until inspected by the Utilities Superintendent and tested at normal water line pressure.  Unions must be three-part type.  All services over two inches shall be cast iron.  Connections with the mains for domestic supply shall be at least three-quarter inch up to the curb stop box.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       No excavation shall be made until a permit for the connection has been issued by the city.


(B)       No water service pipe or water connection shall be installed in the same trench or closer than ten feet horizontally to a sewer trench or drain laid, or to be laid, either in the street or in private property, except that the water pipe on private property may be in a common trench with a sewer drain which is of a material that is in conformance with the current Minnesota Plumbing Code, Minn. Rules Ch. 4715, as it may be amended from time to time.


(C)       Where it is desired to lay the water service pipe and the building sewer pipe in the same trench, or in separate trenches less than ten feet apart, the water service pipe shall be above the sewer pipe unless approved by the City Engineer.  It shall be placed at least one foot above the sewer and on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the trench.  The sewer pipe shall be of a material that is in conformance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code with tested watertight joints.  The water service pipe shall be watertight and corrosion resistant.  Copper pipe and cast iron water pipe with specially protected joints is acceptable for this construction.  Cast iron pipe shall conform to the American Water Works Association specifications for this pipe.  Bell joint clamps with rubber gaskets are provisionally acceptable as extra protection for the joints on cast iron water pipe.  In all cases, precautions shall be taken to assure a firm foundation for the pipes.  The intervening space between the pipes shall be backfilled with compacted earth.


(D)       In case the installation is on a surfaced street, the following shall apply:  All backfill materials shall be mechanically compacted in 12-inch layers to the density of the adjacent material in the roadway area and to the existing street grades in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standards.  Complete surface restoration shall be made.

Penalty, see § 10.99






No water pipe of the water system shall be connected with any pump, well, tank, or piping that is connected with any other source of water supply except to service municipal systems.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       Connection applications.


(1)        All applications for service installations and for water service shall be made to the City Clerk.  All applications for service installations and water service shall be made by the owner or agent of the property to be served and shall state the size and location of service connection required.  The applicant shall, at the time of making application, pay to the city the amount of fees as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time or deposit required for the installation of the service connection as hereinafter provided.  Applications for services larger than one inch shall be accompanied by two sets of plans or sketches indicating preferred location of service pipe and size of service based on building demand.


(2)        The size of the water service connections shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer or City Utilities Superintendent.


(3)        Water billing shall start after completion of outside piping, and shall be calculated upon the minimum quarterly rate, prorated on a semi-monthly basis.


(B)       Connection charges.


(1)        A permit must be obtained to connect to the existing water service leads at the curb stop box.  The fee for the permit shall be set pursuant to § 52.51.  The city shall install or have installed all service connections from the water main to the curb stop box including the stop box.  Payment for service connections must be made before the work is started.


(2)        Additional charges shall be paid at the time of making application for tapping and making connections with the water main to where a curb stop box and service lead is not previously installed.  The charge shall include the tapping of the water main, corporation cocks, the installation of a service line, the installation of a curb stop box, cost of restoring disturbed areas and all other costs related to the installation.


(3)        There shall be a connection charge pursuant to § 52.51 levied by the city to contribute to the payment of the costs of the Public Water System Facilities.  The City Council shall set by resolution the charges to be made for non-residential installations.



(4)        When water services have been stopped because of a violation of this chapter, the city shall collect the fee established to § 52.51 before service is recommenced.


(5)        If a person desires to connect to the system and service a parcel that has not been assessed for the cost of water main and lateral construction, then before a permit is granted, the city shall collect an amount from the applicant that is established pursuant to § 52.51.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Curb stop boxes will be installed on the right-of-way line or easement limits at a location as determined by the City Engineer to be best suitable to the property and shall be left in a vertical position when backfilling is completed.  Curb stop boxes will be installed at an approximate depth of seven feet below the finished ground elevation and the top of the curb stop box shall be adjusted to be flush with the finished ground elevation.  Curb stop boxes must be firmly supported by a masonry block.  No person shall erect any fence or plant any tree or other landscaping that would obstruct the use of the curb stop box, or cause damage to the same.

Penalty, see § 10.99






All connections to the municipal water system shall be charged a rate for water service.




The City Council shall establish a schedule of all water rates, fees and charges for permits or services in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.





All bills and notices shall be mailed or delivered to the address where service is provided.  If non-resident owners or agents desire personal notice sent to a different address, they shall so note on the water service application.  Any change or error in address shall be promptly reported to the City Clerk.



§ 52.53  WATER RATES.


(A)       The rate due and payable by each user within the city for water taken from the water system shall be established pursuant to § 52.51.


(B)       Rates due and payable by each water user located beyond the territorial boundaries of the city shall be determined by special contract.


(C)       Rates shall begin to accrue the first whole month after connection of the service pipe with the curb stop box. 


(D)       In the event a water customer elects to discontinue the use of the municipal water, the rate shall continue until the end of the month that service is disconnected at the curb box.


(E)       Owners of rental property shall be responsible of payment of water fees not paid by the renter.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       Any prepayment or overpayment of charges may be retained by the city and applied on subsequent quarterly charges.


(B)       In the event a user fails to pay his or her water user fee within a reasonable time, the fee shall be certified by the City Clerk and assessed against the property on which the charges have incurred and forwarded to the County Auditor for collection.

Penalty, see § 10.99







(A)       All piping connections from the curb stop box to house supply piping shall be made under the supervision of a licensed plumber subject to inspection by the Utilities Superintendent. The piping connection made to the curb stop box on the house side shall be inspected by the Utilities Superintendent. 


(B)       No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of altering, repairing, installing or constructing municipal water connections within the city without first obtaining a license from the city to carry on the occupation.  A master plumber licensed by the state under the provisions of M.S. § 326.40, as it may be amended from time to time, is exempt from the provisions of this section.


(1)        The applicant shall file with the City Clerk evidence of public liability insurance, including products liability insurance with limits of at least $50,000 per person and $100,000 per occurrence and property damage insurance with limits of at least $10,000.  Evidence of insurance required pursuant to M.S. § 326.40, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time, shall satisfy this requirement.


(2)        The applicant shall file with the City Clerk a surety bond guaranteeing the conformance and compliance of work with this chapter.  The bond shall be in the amount of $2,000.  The city shall hold the bond for one year following the license period.  Failure to comply with provisions and requirements of this chapter shall result in forfeiture of the bond.  The applicant may comply with the requirements of M.S. § 326.40, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time in lieu of these requirements.


(3)        Applications for licenses shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall be reviewed and subject to approval of the city.


(4)        Any installation, construction, alteration of a water connection by a license in violation of any provision of this chapter or refusal on the part of a licensee to correct the defective work shall be cause for revocation of or refusal to renew a license.  This license may be revoked or refused for renewal by the city at any time for cause which shall be documented in writing.


(C)       All licenses required in this section shall be renewable annually.  Applications for licenses shall be made annually on a form furnished by the City Clerk.  Licenses shall be in effect from January 1 to December 31 of the same year.  The license fee shall be established pursuant to § 52.51.


(D)       Before any license issued under the provisions of this section may be revoked or its renewal refused, the licensee shall be given a hearing by the City Council to show cause why the license should not be revoked or refused.  Notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be in writing.





The Utilities Superintendent and other duly authorized employees of the city, upon proper identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspections, observation and testing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.







(A)       Generally.  Water service may be shut off at any connection whenever:


(1)        The owner or occupant of the premises served or any person working on any pipes or equipment thereon which are connected with the water system has violated, or threatens to violate, any of the provisions of this chapter.


(2)        Fraud or misrepresentation by the owner or occupant of the premises serviced in connection with an application for service.


(B)       Disconnection for late payment.


(1)        It is the policy of the city to discontinue sewer service to customers by reason of nonpayment of bills only after notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard on disputed bills.


(a)        All bills are due and payable upon receipt.  Any bill not paid within 30 days shall be considered delinquent;


(b)        If any bill is not paid within 30 days of receipt, a second bill will be mailed containing a cutoff notice that if the bill is not paid within ten days of the mailing of the second bill, service will be discontinued for nonpayment; and


(c)        Any customer disputing the correctness of his or her bill shall have a right to a hearing at which time he or she may be represented in person and by counsel or any other person of his or her choosing and may present orally or in writing his or her complaint and contentions to the city official in charge of utility billing.  This official shall be authorized to order that the customer’s service not be discontinued and shall have the authority to make a final determination of the customer’s complaint.


(2)        Requests for delays or waiver of payment will not be entertained; only questions of proper and correct billing will be considered.  In the absence of payment of the bill rendered or resort to the hearing procedure provided herein, service will be discontinued at the time specified, but in no event until the charges have been due and unpaid for at least 30 days.


(3)        When it becomes necessary for the city to discontinue utility service to a customer for nonpayment of bills, service will be reinstated only after all bills for service then due have been paid, along with a turn-on charge as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.



(C)       Cold weather rule.   Pursuant to M.S. § 216B.097, as it may be amended from time to time, no service of a residential customer shall be disconnected if the disconnection affects the primary heat source for the residential unit when the disconnection would occur during the period between October 15 and April 15, the customer has declared inability to pay on forms provided by the city, the household income of the customer is less that 185% of the federal poverty level as documented by the customer to the city, and the customer’s account is current for the billing period immediately prior to October 15 or the customer has entered into a payment schedule and is reasonably current with payments under the schedule.  The City Clerk shall, between August 15 and October 15, of each year, notify all residential customers of these provisions.





No person, except an authorized city employee, shall turn on or off any water supply at the curb stop box.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall become liable to the city for any expense, loss or damage occasioned by the city by reason of the violation.

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