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City of Porter Water, Sewer and Garbage Services

Water, Sewer and Garbage Services are billed monthly. Payments can be dropped in the payment box located by the rear entrance of the Porter Fire Hall or mailed to:

City of Porter

PO Box 130

Porter, MN 56280


The City of Porter operates a compost site for use by citizens within the city limits of Porter only. Use by others must be pre-authorized by the Mayor and appropriate billing for such use will be arranged. It is illegal to dump any refuse at the City of Porter Compost Site apart from trees, brush, garden waste and other compostable materials. Illegal dumping WILL result in legal actions against individuals committing the crime.


Garbage collection service is mandatory for all residents within the City of Porter.

Curbside Garbage Collection: Every Tuesday Morning

Curbside Recycling Collection: Every Other Friday Morning


Water Rates:

Disconnection Fee: $50.00

Reconnection Fee: $50.00


Annual Water Supply Connection Fee (State Fee): $9.72 billed in December


Residential Service

First 2,000 Gallons: $21.86 per month

Each 1,000 gallon increment over 2,000 gallons: $3.50 per 1,000 gallons


Commercial Service

First 2,000 Gallons: $30.05 per month

Each 1,000 gallon increment over 2,000 gallons: $3.50 per 1,000 gallons


Sewer Rates:

Residential Service

$16.20 per month


Commercial Service

$21.60 per month


Garbage Rates:

35 Gallon Bin: $16.88 per month

65 Gallon Bin: $20.47 per month

95 Gallon Bin: $23.50 per month

Residential Garbage rates are subject to a 9.75% state tax.

Commercial Garbage Rates are subject to a 17.00% state tax.


For City of Porter utility services billing questions contact:

Judy Verschelde - 507-829-3536


All rates listed above subject to change without notice.


Porter Water System Lead Line Inventory

The Porter Public Water System has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at you may also contact us 507-829-3466. As of 07/15/2024 our inventory contains 0 lead and 0 galvanized requiring replacement. Our full inventory includes 8 unknown, 109 non-lead service lines.


Porter Compost Site

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