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City of Porter, Minnesota Ordinances















110.01   Licenses required to engage in certain businesses

110.02   Application for license

110.03   Issuance of license

110.04   Date and duration of license

110.05   License not transferable

110.06   License certificate to be displayed

110.07   Revocation or suspension

110.08   Appeal and review






No person shall engage in any of the trades, businesses, or professions for which licenses are required by Part XI of this code or by any other ordinance of the city or provision of this code without first applying for and obtaining a license from the City Clerk or other duly authorized issuing authority.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       All original applications for licenses, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall be made to the City Clerk or other authorized official in writing upon forms to be furnished by him or her and shall contain:


(1)        The applicant’s full name, address, and telephone number, and the full name of each officer, partner or business associate, if applicable;


(2)        His or her present occupation and principal place of business;


(3)        His or her place of residence for the preceding five years;


(4)        The nature and location of the intended business or enterprise;


(5)        The period of time for which the license is desired;


(6)        A description of the merchandise, goods or services to be sold;


(7)        If a motor vehicle is to be used, a full description of the motor vehicle, including the make, model, year, color, license number, and vehicle registration number (VIN) of the vehicle.

(8)        Other information concerning the applicant and his or her business as may be reasonable and proper, having regard to the nature of the license desired.


(B)       Any change in the information required by Division (A) of this section must be reported to the City Clerk or other authorized official within 14 days of that change.


(C)       Renewal of an annual license may be granted to a licensee in good standing on the basis of the original application, unless otherwise provided.  However, if a request for renewal is not submitted to the City Clerk or other authorized official within 21 days after the date of expiration for the preceding license, the applicant must fill out an original application.


(D)       With each original or renewal application, the applicant shall deposit the fee required for the license requested.


(E)       It shall be unlawful to knowingly make any false statement or representation in the license application.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Upon receipt of an application for a license, accompanied by the proper fee if approval by another officer or department is not required, the City Clerk shall deposit the fee in the general fund of the city and issue to the applicant a proper license certificate signed by the City Clerk.





A license shall not be valid beyond the expiration date therein specified and, unless otherwise provided, shall not extend beyond December 31 of the year issued.  However, at any time after December 1, licenses may be issued for the next calendar year.  Unless otherwise specified, the full annual fee will be required of licensees irrespective of the date of issuance of the license.





Every license shall be issued to a real party in interest in the enterprise or business, and unless otherwise provided, no license shall be assigned or transferred.

Penalty, see § 10.99





Every licensee carrying on business at a fixed location shall keep posted in a prominent place upon the premises the license certificate.  Other licensees shall carry their licenses at all times,


and whenever requested by any officer or citizen, shall exhibit the license.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       Any license may be suspended or revoked by the City Clerk or City Council at any time for the following reasons:


(1)        For conditions or considerations which, had they existed at the time of issuance, would have been valid grounds for its denial;


(2)        For any misrepresentation of a material fact in the application discovered after issuance of the license;


(3)        For any misrepresentation or materially false statement made in the course of carrying on the trade, business or profession;


(4)        For violation of any provision of this chapter or other federal, state or municipal law or ordinance relating to the operation of the business or enterprise for which the license has been issued; or


(5)        Upon conviction of a licensee for any federal, state or municipal law or ordinance involving the creation of a nuisance, a breach of the peace, interference with the rights of property owners, or any other offense constituting a threat to the public health, safety, morals or general welfare of the public.


(B)       The suspension or revocation shall become effective upon notice served upon the licensee.  The notice shall contain a written summary of the reasons for the suspension or revocation and a statement concerning the right to appeal the decision.  The notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address given on the licensee’s application.





In case any applicant has been denied a license by the City Clerk, or if his or her license has been suspended or revoked by the City Clerk, the applicant or licensee shall within ten business days have the right to appeal to the City Council from the denial, suspension or revocation.  Notice of appeal shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk or other authorized official.  The Mayor shall call a special meeting of the City Council for the purpose of holding the hearing unless a regular meeting of the City Council will occur within the 21-day period, and who shall fix the time and place for a hearing which shall be held not later than 21 days thereafter.  Notice of appeal shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk.



Unless a regular meeting of the City Council at which the appeal can be heard is scheduled within 21 days after receiving the notice of appeal, the Mayor shall schedule a special meeting of the City Council for the hearing within the 21-day period.  Three members of the City Council shall constitute a quorum to hear the appeal.  The appellant may appear and be heard in person or by counsel.  If, after hearing, a majority of the members of the City Council present at the meeting declare in favor of the applicant, the license shall be issued or fully reinstated as the case may be; otherwise the suspension or revocation shall become final.






111.01   Bowling; billiards and pool

111.02   Circuses, carnivals, shows, dances and other entertainment

111.03   Deposit required

111.04   License fee for public entertainment or exhibition






Each proprietor of a billiard or pool table or of a bowling alley, or a combination of both, shall pay an annual license fee in an amount established in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11, as it may be amended from time to time.

Penalty, see § 10.99






(1)        Each person desiring to conduct, stage or give a circus, carnival, theatrical exhibition, public show, athletic game or other entertainment for which there is a charge for admission, shall first obtain a license and pay the license fee or fees as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.


(2)        Local school entertainment, charitable organizations, lecture courses, and lectures on historic, literary or scientific subjects are not subject to the provisions of this section; provided, that the entertainment is not for profit.


(3)        Each person desiring to conduct, stage or give a public or street dance shall first obtain a license and pay the license fee or fees as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.


(B)       In addition to any other requirements, the applicant for a license shall give at least one week’s notice in writing to the City Clerk or other authorized official, stating the dates of the performances and the location at which the performances are to be presented.  The City Clerk shall give his or her consent to the issuance of the license if he or she deems that the location is suitable for the purpose; that it will properly accommodate the patrons; that the nature of the performance or exhibition does not pose a threat to the health, safety or general welfare of the public; and that the use of the location will not create too great a burden upon the police department or the fire department.


(C)       No circus, carnival, theatrical exhibition, public show, athletic game or other entertainment shall be given for more than two consecutive days, except in cases where the City Council by resolution allows a longer period, or where the exhibition is to be conducted on municipal property and the use thereof for a longer period shall have been approved by the City Council.

Penalty, see § 10.99




(A)       At the time application for a license is made, where use of municipal grounds is contemplated, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk or other designated municipal official a cash bond in an amount to be determined by the City Council, conditioned upon the restoration and cleaning up of the grounds in a manner satisfactory to the Mayor.  In the event the grounds are restored and cleaned up properly following the exhibition, the deposit shall be returned; otherwise the same shall be forfeited to the city to the extent of actual costs to the city for restoration and cleaning up of the grounds.


(B)       No licensee shall fail to restore or clean up the grounds upon which the circus, carnival or other entertainment has taken place.

Penalty, see § 10.99





The fee for the license shall be in an amount as established in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time.






            General Provisions


112.01   Adoption of state law by reference

112.02   City may be more restrictive than state law

112.03   Definitions

112.04   Nudity on the premises of licensed establishments prohibited




112.20   Number of licenses which may be issued

112.21   Term and expiration of licenses

112.22   Kinds of liquor licenses

112.23   License fees; pro rata

122.24   Council discretion to grant or deny a license

112.25   Application for license

112.26   Description of premises

112.27   Applications for renewal

112.28   Transfer of license

112.29   Investigation

112.30   Hearing and issuance

112.31   Restrictions on issuance

112.32   Conditions of license

112.33   Hours and days of sale

112.34   Minors on premises

112.35   Restrictions on purchase and consumption

112.36   Suspension and revocation


112.99   Penalties





The provisions of M.S. Chapter 340A, as they may be amended from time to time, with reference to the definition of terms, conditions of operation, restrictions on consumption, provisions relating to sales, hours of sale, and all other matters pertaining to the retail sale, distribution, and consumption of intoxicating liquor and 3.2 percent malt liquor are hereby adopted by reference and are made a part of this chapter as if set out in full.  It is the intention of the City Council that all future amendments to M.S. Chapter 340A are hereby adopted by reference or referenced as if they had been in existence at the time this chapter is adopted.






The Council is authorized by the provisions of M.S. § 340A.509, as it may be amended from time to time, to impose, and has imposed in this chapter, additional restrictions on the sale and possession of alcoholic beverages within its limits beyond those contained in M.S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time.



§ 112.03  DEFINITIONS.


In addition to the definitions contained in M.S. § 340A.101, as it may be amended from time to time, the following terms are defined for purposes of this chapter:


LIQUOR.  As used in this chapter, without modification by the words “intoxicating” or “3.2 percent malt,” includes both intoxicating liquor and 3.2 percent malt liquor.


RESTAURANT.  An eating facility, other than a hotel, under the control of a single proprietor or manager, where meals are regularly prepared on the premises, where full waitress/waiter table service is provided, where a customer orders food from printed menus and where the main food course is served and consumed while seated at a single location.  To be a “restaurant as defined by this section, an establishment shall have a license from the state as required by M.S. § 157.16, as it may be amended from time to time, and meet the definition of either a “small establishment”, “medium establishment” or “large establishment” as defined in M.S. § 157.16, Subd. 3d, as it may be amended from time to time.  An establishment which serves prepackaged food that receives heat treatment and is served in the package or frozen pizza that is heated and served, shall not be considered to be a restaurant for purposes of this chapter unless it meets the definitions of “small establishment”, “medium establishment” or “large establishment”.





(A)       The City Council finds that it is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the city that nudity is prohibited as provided in this section on the premises of any establishment licensed under this chapter.  This is to protect and assist the owners, operators, and employees of the establishment, as well as patrons and the public in general, from harm stemming from the physical immediacy and combination of alcohol, nudity, and sex.  The Council especially intends to prevent any subliminal endorsement of sexual harassment or activities likely to lead to the possibility of various criminal conduct, including prostitution, sexual assault, and disorderly conduct.  The Council also finds that the prohibition of nudity on the premises of any establishment licensed under this chapter, as set forth in this section, reflects the prevailing community standards of the city.


(B)       It is unlawful for any licensee to permit or allow any person or persons on the licensed premises when the person does not have his or her buttocks, anus, breasts, and genitals covered with a non‑transparent material.  It is unlawful for any person to be on the licensed premises when the person does not have his or her buttocks, anus, breasts, and genitals covered with a non‑transparent material.


(C)       A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable as provided by law, and is justification for revocation or suspension of any liquor, wine, or 3.2 percent malt liquor license or the imposition of a civil penalty under the provisions of § 112.99(B).

Penalty, see § 112.99







State law establishes the number of liquor licenses that a city may issue.  However, the number of licenses which may be granted under this chapter is limited to the number of license which were issued as of the effective date of this chapter, even if a larger number of licenses are authorized by law or election.  The Council in its sound discretion may provide by ordinance that a larger number of licenses may be issued up to the number of licenses authorized by M.S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time.  If a larger number of licenses in a particular category has been authorized by a referendum held under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.413, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time, but not all of them have been issued, the larger number of licenses is no longer in effect until the Council by ordinance determines that any or all of the licenses may be issued.  The Council is not required to issue the full number of licenses that it has available.





Each license shall be issued for a maximum period of one year.  Temporary licenses expire according to their terms.  Consumption and display permits issued by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the accompanying city consent to the permit, shall expire as specified in the permit.





The Council of a city that does not have a municipal liquor store is authorized to issue the following licenses and permits, up to the number specified in § 112.20.


(A)       3.2 percent malt liquor on‑sale licenses, which may be issued only to restaurants, hotels, clubs, bowling centers, and establishments used exclusively for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor with the incidental sale of tobacco and soft drinks.


(B)       3.2 percent malt liquor off‑sale license.


(C)       Temporary 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses which may be issued only to a club, charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization.


(D)       Off‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses, which may be issued only to exclusive liquor stores or drug stores that have an off‑sale license which was first issued on or before May 1, 1994.  The fee for an off-sale intoxicating liquor license established by the Council under § 112.23 shall not exceed $100 or a greater amount which may be permitted by M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.


(E)       On‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses, which may be issued to the following establishments as defined by M.S. § 340A.101, as it may be amended from time to time, and this chapter: hotels, restaurants, bowling centers, clubs or congressionally chartered veterans organizations, and exclusive liquor stores.  Club licenses may be issued only with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety.  The fee for club licenses established by the Council under § 112.23 shall not exceed the amounts provided for in M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 2b, as it may be amended from time to time.  The Council may in its sound discretion authorize a retail on‑sale licensee to dispense intoxicating liquor off the licensed premises at a community festival held within the city under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 4b, as it may be amended from time to time.  The Council may in its sound discretion authorize a retail on‑sale licensee to dispense intoxicating liquor off the licensed premises at any convention, banquet, conference, meeting, or social affair conducted on the premises of a sports, convention, or cultural facility owned by the city, under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 4a, as it may be amended from time to time; however, the licensee is prohibited from dispensing intoxicating liquor to any person attending or participating in an amateur athletic event being held on the premises.


(F)       Sunday on‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses, only after authorization to do so by voter approval at a general or special election as provided by M.S. § 340A.504, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.  Sunday on‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses may be issued only to a restaurant as defined in § 112.03, club, bowling center, or hotel which has a seating capacity of at least 30 persons, which holds an on‑sale intoxicating liquor license, and which serves liquor only in conjunction with the service of food.  The maximum fee for this license, which shall be established by the Council under the provisions of § 112.23, shall not exceed $200, or the maximum amount provided by M.S. § 340A.504, Subd. 3c, as it may be amended from time to time.


(G)       Combination on‑sale/off‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses if the city has a population less than 10,000.


(H)       Temporary on‑sale intoxicating liquor licenses, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, which may be issued only in connection with a social event sponsored by a club, charitable, religious, or other nonprofit corporation that has existed for at least three years.  No license shall be for longer than four consecutive days, and the city shall issue no more than 12 days worth of temporary licenses to any one organization in one calendar year.


(I)        On‑sale wine licenses, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety to: restaurants that have facilities for seating at least 25 guests at one time and meet the criteria of M.S. § 340A.404, Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time, and which meet the definition of restaurant in § 112.03; and to licensed bed and breakfast facilities which meet the criteria in M.S. § 340A.401, Subd. 1, as it may be amended from time to time.  The fee for an on‑sale wine license established by the Council under the provisions of § 112.23 shall not exceed one‑half of the license fee charged for an on‑sale intoxicating liquor license.  The holder of an on‑sale wine license who also holds an on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license is authorized to sell malt liquor with a content over 3.2 percent (strong beer) without an additional license.


(J)        One day consumption and display permits with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety to a nonprofit organization in conjunction with a social activity in the city sponsored by the organization.


(K)       Approval of the issuance of a consumption and display permit by the Commissioner of Public Safety.  The maximum amount of the additional fee which may be imposed by the Council on a person who has been issued a consumption and display permit under the provisions of § 112.23 shall not exceed $300, or the maximum amount permitted by M.S. § 340A.14, Subd. 6, as it may be amended from time to time.  Consumption and display permits shall expire on March 31 of each year.





(A)       No license or other fee established by the city shall exceed any limit established by M.S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time, for a liquor license.


(B)       The Council may establish from time to time in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this Code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time, the fee for any of the liquor licenses it is authorized to issue.  The license fee may not exceed the cost of issuing the license and other costs directly related to the enforcement of the liquor laws and this chapter.  No liquor license fee shall be increased without providing mailed notice of a hearing on the proposed increase to all affected licensees at least 30 days before the hearing.


(C)       The fee for all licenses, except temporary licenses, granted after the commencement of the license year shall be prorated on a quarterly basis.


(D)       All license fees shall be paid in full at the time the application is filed with the city.  If the application is denied, the license fee shall be returned to the applicant.


(E)       A refund of a pro rata share of an annual license fee may occur only if authorized by M.S. § 340A.408, Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time.




The Council in its sound discretion may either grant or deny the application for any license or for the transfer or renewal of any license.  No applicant has a right to a license under this chapter.





(A)       Form.  Every application for a license issued under this chapter shall be on a form provided by the city.  Every application shall state the name of the applicant, the applicant’s age, representations as to the applicant’s character, with references as the Council may require, the type of license applied for, the business in connection with which the proposed license will operate and its location, a description of the premises, whether the applicant is owner and operator of the business, how long the applicant has been in that business at that place, and other information as the Council may require from time to time.  An application for an on‑sale intoxicating liquor license shall be in the form prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Safety and shall also contain the information required in this section.  The form shall be verified and filed with the city.  No person shall make a false statement in an application.


(B)       Financial responsibility.  Prior to the issuance of any license under this chapter, the applicant shall demonstrate proof of financial responsibility as defined in M.S. § 340A.409, as it may be amended from time to time, with regard to liability under M.S. § 340A.801, as it may be amended from time to time.  This proof will be filed with the city and the Commissioner of Public Safety.  Any liability insurance policy filed as proof of financial responsibility under this section shall conform to M.S. § 340A.409, as it may be amended from time to time.  Operation of a business which is required to be licensed by this chapter without having on file with the city at all times effective proof of financial responsibility is a cause for revocation of the license.

Penalty, see § 112.99





The application shall specifically describe the compact and contiguous premises within which liquor may be dispensed and consumed.  The description may not include any parking lot or sidewalk.





At least 90 days before a license issued under this chapter is to be renewed, an application for renewal shall be filed with the city.  The decision whether or not to renew a license rests within the sound discretion of the Council.  No licensee has a right to have the license renewed.





No license issued under this chapter may be transferred without the approval of the Council.   Any transfer of stock of a corporate licensee is deemed to be a transfer of the license and a transfer of stock without prior Council approval is a ground for revocation of the license.  An application to transfer a license shall be treated the same as an application for a new license, and all of the provisions of this code applying to applications for a license shall apply.

Penalty, see § 112.99





(A)       Preliminary background and financial investigation.  On an initial application for a license, on an application for transfer of a license and, in the sound discretion of the Council that it is in the public interest to do so, on an application for renewal of a license, the city shall conduct a preliminary background and financial investigation of the applicant or it may contract with the Commissioner of Public Safety for the investigation. The applicant shall pay with the application an investigation fee of $500 which shall be in addition to any license fee.  If the cost of the preliminary investigation is less than $500, the unused balance shall be returned to the applicant.  The results of the preliminary investigation shall be sent to the Commissioner of Public Safety if the application is for an on‑sale intoxicating liquor license or an on‑sale wine license.


(B)       Comprehensive background and financial investigation.  If the results of a preliminary investigation warrant, in the sound discretion of the Council, a comprehensive background and financial investigation, the Council may either conduct the investigation itself or contract with the Commissioner of Public Safety for the investigation.  The investigation fee for this comprehensive background and financial investigation to be paid by the applicant shall be $500, less any amount paid for the initial investigation if the investigation is to be conducted within the state, and $10,000, less any amount paid for the initial investigation, if the investigation is required outside the state.  The unused balance of the fee shall be returned to the applicant whether or not the application is denied.  The fee shall be paid in advance of any investigation and the amount actually expended on the investigation shall not be refundable in the event the application is denied.  The results of the comprehensive investigation shall be sent to the Commissioner of Public Safety if the application is for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license or an on-sale wine license.





The Council shall investigate all facts set out in the application and not investigated in the preliminary or comprehensive background and financial investigations.  Opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard for or against the granting of the license.  After the investigation and hearing, the Council shall in its sound discretion grant or deny the application.  No license

shall become effective until the proof of financial security has been approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety.





(A)       Each license shall be issued only to the applicant for the premises described in the application.


(B)       Not more than one license shall be directly or indirectly issued within the city to any one person.


(C)       No license shall be granted or renewed for operation on any premises on which taxes, assessments, utility charges, service charges, or other financial claims of the city are delinquent and unpaid.


(D)       No license shall be issued for any place or any business ineligible for a license under state law.


(E)       No license shall be issued to any person who is not a resident of the state.  If the applicant is a corporation, all of the shareholders shall be residents of the state.  The provisions of this Division (E) shall not apply to any license existing on the effective date of this chapter or to the renewal of an existing license.


(F)       No license shall be granted within 500 feet of any school or church.  The distance is to be measured from the closest side of the church to the closest side of the structure on the premises within which liquor is to be sold.

Penalty, see § 112.99





The failure of a licensee to meet any one of the conditions of the license specified below shall result in a suspension of the license until the condition is met.


(A)       Within 90 days after employment, every person selling or serving liquor in an establishment which has an “on‑sale” license shall receive training regarding the selling or serving of liquor to customers.  The training shall be provided by an organization approved by the Council.  Proof of training shall be provided by the licensee.


(B)       Every licensee is responsible for the conduct of the place of business and the conditions of sobriety and order in it.  The act of any employee on the licensed premises is deemed the act of the licensee as well, and the licensee shall be liable to all penalties provided by this chapter and the law equally with the employee.



(C)       Every licensee shall allow any peace officer, health officer, city employee, or any other person designated by the Council to conduct compliance checks and to otherwise enter, inspect, and search the premises of the licensee during business hours and after business hours during the time when customers remain on the premises without a warrant.


(D)       No on‑sale establishment shall display liquor to the public during hours when the sale of liquor is prohibited.


(E)       Compliance with financial responsibility requirements of state law and of this chapter is a continuing condition of any license.

Penalty, see § 112.99





(A)       The hours of operation and days of sale shall be those set by M.S. § 340A.504, as it may be amended from time to time.


(B)       No person shall consume nor shall any on‑sale licensee permit any consumption of intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt liquor in an on‑sale licensed premises more than 30 minutes after the time when a sale can legally occur.


(C)       No on‑sale licensee shall permit any glass, bottle, or other container containing intoxicating liquor or 3.2 percent malt liquor to remain upon any table, bar, stool, or other place where customers are served, more than 30 minutes after the time when a sale can legally occur.


(D)       No person, other than the licensee and any employee, shall remain on the on‑sale licensed premises more than 30 minutes after the time when a sale can legally occur.


(E)       Any violation of any condition of this section may be grounds for revocation or suspension of the license.

Penalty, see § 112.99





(A)       No person under the age of 18 years shall be employed in any rooms constituting the place in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt liquor are sold at retail on sale, except that persons under the age of 18 may be employed as musicians or to perform the duties of a bus person or dishwashing services in places defined as a restaurant, hotel, motel or other multi-purpose building serving food in rooms in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt liquor are sold at retail on sale.


(B)       No person under the age of 21 years may enter a licensed establishment except to work, consume meals on premises that qualify as a restaurant, or attend social functions that are held in a portion of the premises where liquor is not sold.

Penalty, see § 112.99





No person shall mix or prepare liquor for consumption in any public place of business unless it has a license to sell on‑sale, or a permit from the Commissioner of Public Safety under the provisions of M.S. § 340A.414, as it may be amended from time to time, which has been approved by the Council, and no person shall consume liquor in any such place.

Penalty, see § 112.99





(A)       The Council shall either suspend for a period not to exceed 60 days or revoke any liquor license upon finding that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, regulation, or provision of this chapter relating to liquor.  Except in cases of lapse of proof of financial responsibility, no suspension or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, M.S. §§ 14.57 to 14.70, as it may be amended from time to time.  The Council may act as the hearing body under that act, or it may contract with the Office of Hearing Examiners for a hearing officer.


(B)       The following are the minimum periods of suspension or revocation which shall be imposed by the Council for violations of the provisions of this chapter or M. S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time or any rules promulgated under that Chapter as they may be amended from time to time:


(1)        For commission of a felony related to the licensed activity, sale of alcoholic beverages while the license is under suspension, sale of intoxicating liquor where the only license is for 3.2 percent malt liquor, or violation of § 112.04, the license shall be revoked.


(2)        The license shall be suspended by the Council after a finding under Division (A) that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, rule, or provision of this chapter for at least the minimum periods as follows:


(a)        For the first violation within any three-year period, at least one day suspension in addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.


(b)        For a second violation within any three-year period, at least three consecutive days suspension in addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.


(c)        For the third violation within any three-year period, at least seven consecutive days suspension in addition to any criminal or civil penalties which may be imposed.


(d)       For a fourth violation within any three-year period, the license shall be revoked.


(3)        The council shall select the day or days during which the license will be suspended.


(C)       Lapse of required proof of financial responsibility shall effect an immediate suspension of any license issued pursuant to this chapter or state law without further action of the Council.  Notice of cancellation or lapse of a current liquor liability policy shall also constitute notice to the licensee of the impending suspension of the license.  The holder of a license who has received notice of lapse of required insurance or of suspension or revocation of a license may request a hearing thereon and, if a request is made in writing to the Clerk, a hearing before the Council shall be granted within ten days.  Any suspension under this Division (B) shall continue until the Council determines that the financial responsibility requirements of state law and this chapter have again been met. 


(D)       The provisions of § 112.99 pertaining to administrative penalty may be imposed in addition to or in lieu of any suspension or revocation under this chapter.

Penalty, see § 112.99



§ 112.99  PENALTIES.


(A)       Any person violating the provisions of this chapter or M.S. Chapter 340A as it may be amended from time to time or any rules promulgated under that chapter as they may be amended from time to time is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided by law.


(B)       The Council shall impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each violation of M.S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time, and of this chapter.  Conviction of a violation in a court of law is not required in order for the Council to impose the civil penalty.  A hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act, M.S. §§ 14.57 to 14.70, as it may be amended from time to time, is not required before the penalty is imposed, but the Council shall hold a hearing on the proposed violation and the proposed penalty and hear any person who wishes to speak.  Non‑payment of the penalty is grounds for suspension or revocation of the license.  The following is the minimum schedule of presumptive civil penalties which must be imposed in addition to any suspension unless the licenses is revoked:


(1)        For the first violation within any three-year period, $500.


(2)        For the second violation within any three-year period, $1,000.


(3)        For the third and subsequent violations within any three-year period, $2,000.


(C)       The term “violation” as used in this section includes any and all violations of the provisions of this chapter, or of M.S. Chapter 340A, as it may be amended from time to time or any rules promulgated under that chapter as they may be amended from time to time.  The number of violations shall be determined on the basis of the history of violations for the preceding three-year period.  Revocation shall occur within 60 days following a violation for which revocation is imposed.




113.01   Definitions

113.02   Exceptions to definitions

113.03   Licensing; exemptions

113.04   License ineligibility

113.05   License suspension and revocation

113.06   License transferability

113.07   Registration

113.08   Prohibited activities

113.09   Exclusion by placard


§ 113.01  DEFINITIONS.


Except as may otherwise be provided or clearly implied by context, all terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions.  For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.


PEDDLER.  A person who goes from house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, street-to-street, or any other type of place-to-place, for the purpose of offering for sale, displaying or exposing for sale, selling or attempting to sell, and delivering immediately upon sale, the goods, wares, products, merchandise or other personnel property that the person is carrying or otherwise transporting.  The term peddler shall mean the same as the term hawker.


PERSON.  Any natural individual, group, organization, corporation, partnership or association.  As applied to groups, organizations, corporations, partnerships and associations, the term shall include each member, officer, partner, associate, agent or employee.


REGULAR BUSINESS DAY.  Any day during which the city hall is normally open for the purpose of conducting public business.  Holidays defined by state law shall not be counted as regular business days.


SOLICITOR.  A person who goes from house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, street-to-street, or any other type of place-to-place, for the purpose of obtaining or attempting to obtain orders for goods, wares, products, merchandise, other personal property or services of which he or she may be carrying or transporting samples, or that may be described in a catalog or by other means, and for which delivery or performance shall occur at a later time.  The absence of samples or catalogs shall not remove a person from the scope of this provision if the actual purpose of the person’s activity is to obtain or attempt to obtain orders as discussed above.  The term shall mean the same as the term “canvasser.”



TRANSIENT MERCHANT.  A person who temporarily sets up business out of a vehicle, trailer, boxcar, tent, other portable shelter, or empty store front for the purpose of exposing or displaying for sale, selling or attempting to sell, and delivering, goods, wares, products, merchandise or other personal property and who does not remain or intend to remain in any one location for more than 14 consecutive days.





(A)       For the purpose of the requirements of this chapter, the terms PEDDLER, SOLICITOR, and TRANSIENT MERCHANT shall not apply to any person selling or attempting to sell at wholesale any goods, wares, products, merchandise or other personal property to a retailer of the items being sold by the wholesaler.  The terms also shall not apply to any person who makes initial contacts with other people for the purpose of establishing or trying to establish a regular customer delivery route for the delivery of perishable food and dairy products such as baked goods and milk, nor shall they apply to any person making deliveries of perishable food and dairy products to the customers on his or her established regular delivery route.


(B)       In addition, persons conducting the type of sales commonly known as garage sales, rummage sales, or estate sales, as well as those persons participating in an organized multi-person bazaar or flea market, shall be exempt from the definitions of PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, and TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, as shall be anyone conducting an auction as a properly licensed auctioneer, or any officer of the court conducting a court-ordered sale.  Exemption from the definitions for the scope of this chapter shall not excuse any person from complying with any other applicable statutory provision or local ordinance.





(A)       County license required.  No person shall conduct business as a peddler, solicitor or transient merchant within the city limits without first having obtained the appropriate license from the county as required by M.S. Ch. 329 as it may be amended from time to time.


(B)       City license required.  Except as otherwise provided for by this chapter, no person shall conduct business as either a peddler or a transient merchant without first having obtained a license from the city.  Solicitors need not be licensed, but are still required to register pursuant to § 113.07.


(C)       Application.  Application for a city license to conduct business as a peddler or transient merchant shall be made at least 14 regular business days before the applicant desires to begin conducting business.  Application for a license shall be made on a form approved by the City Council and available from the office of the City Clerk.  All applications shall be signed by the applicant.  All applications shall include the following information:


(1)        Applicant’s full legal name.


(2)        All other names under which the applicant conducts business or to which applicant officially answers.


(3)        A physical description of the applicant (hair color, eye color, height, weight, distinguishing marks and features, and the like).


(4)        Full address of applicant’s permanent residence.


(5)        Telephone number of applicant’s permanent residence.


(6)        Full legal name of any and all business operations owned, managed or operated by applicant, or for which the applicant is an employee or agent.


(7)        Full address of applicant’s regular place of business (if any).


(8)        Any and all business related telephone numbers of the applicant.


(9)        The type of business for which the applicant is applying for a license.


(10)      Whether the applicant is applying for an annual or daily license.


(11)      The dates during which the applicant intends to conduct business, and if the applicant is applying for a daily license, the number of days he or she will be conducting business in the city (maximum 14 consecutive days).


(12)      Any and all addresses and telephone numbers where the applicant can be reached while conducting business within the city, including the location where a transient merchant intends to set up business.


(13)      A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been convicted within the last five years of any felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor for violation of any state or federal statute or any local ordinance, other than traffic offenses.


(14)      A list of the three most recent locations where the applicant has conducted business as a peddler or transient merchant.


(15)      Proof of any requested county license.


(16)      Written permission of the property owner or the property owner’s agent for any property to be used by a transient merchant.


(17)      A general description of the items to be sold or services to be provided.


(18)      All additional information deemed necessary by the City Council.


(19)      The applicant’s driver’s license number or other acceptable form of identification.


(20)      The license plate number, registration information and vehicle identification number for any vehicle to be used in conjunction with the licensed business and a description of the vehicle.


(D)       Fee.  All applications for a license under this chapter shall be accompanied by the fee established in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges, adopted pursuant to § 30.11, as it may be amended from time to time.


(E)       Procedure.  Upon receipt of the completed application and payment of the license fee, the City Clerk, within two regular business days, must determine if the application is complete.  An application is determined to be complete only if all required information is provided.  If the City Clerk determines that the application is incomplete, the City Clerk must inform the applicant of the required necessary information that is missing.  If the application is complete, the City Clerk must order any investigation, including background checks, necessary to verify the information provided with the application.  Within ten regular business days of receiving a complete application the City Clerk must issue the license unless there exist grounds for denying the license under § 113.04, in which case the Clerk must deny the license.  If the City Clerk denies the license, the applicant must be notified in writing of the decision, the reason for denial, and of the applicant’s right to appeal the denial by requesting, within 20 days of receiving notice of rejection, a public hearing before the City Council.  The City Council shall hear the appeal within 20 days of the date of the request.  The decision of the City Council following the public hearing can be appealed by petitioning the Minnesota Court of Appeals for a Writ of Certiorari.


(F)       Duration.  An annual license granted under this chapter shall be valid for one calendar year from the date of issue.  All other licenses granted under this chapter shall be valid only during the time period indicated on the license.


(G)       License exemptions.


(1)        No license shall be required for any person to sell or attempt to sell, or to take or attempt to take orders for, any product grown, produced, cultivated, or raised on any farm.


(2)        No license shall be required of any person going from house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, street-to-street, or other type of place-to-place when the activity is for the purpose of exercising that person’s State or Federal Constitutional rights such as the freedom of speech, press, religion and the like, except that this exemption may be lost if the person’s exercise of Constitutional rights is merely incidental to a commercial activity.


(3)        Professional fundraisers working on behalf of an otherwise exempt person or group shall not be exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter.

Penalty, see § 10.99





The following shall be grounds for denying a license under this chapter:


(A)       The failure of the applicant to obtain and show proof of having obtained any required county license.


(B)       The failure of the applicant to truthfully provide any of the information requested by the city as a part of the application, or the failure to sign the application, or the failure to pay the required fee at the time of application.


(C)       The conviction of the applicant within the past five years from the date of application for any violation of any federal or state statute or regulation, or of any local ordinance, which adversely reflects on the person’s ability to conduct the business for which the license is being sought in an honest and legal manner.  Those violations shall include but not be limited to burglary, theft, larceny, swindling, fraud, unlawful business practices, and any form of actual or threatened physical harm against another person.


(D)       The revocation within the past five years of any license issued to the applicant for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicitor or transient merchant.


(E)       The applicant is found to have a bad business reputation.  Evidence of a bad business reputation shall include, but not be limited to, the existence of more than three complaints against the applicant with the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General’s Office, or other similar business or consumer rights office or agency, within the preceding 12 months, or three complaints filed against the applicant within the preceding five years.





(A)       Generally.  Any license issued under this section may be suspended or revoked at the discretion of the City Council for violation of any of the following:


(1)        Fraud, misrepresentation or incorrect statements on the application form.


(2)        Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made during the course of the licensed activity.


(3)        Conviction of any offense for which granting of a license could have been denied under § 113.04.


(4)        Violation of any provision of this chapter.


(B)       Multiple persons under one license.  The suspension or revocation of any license issued for the purpose of authorizing multiple persons to conduct business as peddlers or transient merchants on behalf of the licensee shall serve as a suspension or revocation of each authorized person’s authority to conduct business as a peddler or transient merchant on behalf of the licensee whose license is suspended or revoked.


(C)       Notice.  Prior to revoking or suspending any license issued under this chapter, the city shall provide the license holder with written notice of the alleged violations and inform the licensee of his or her right to a hearing on the alleged violation.  Notice shall be delivered in person or by mail to the permanent residential address listed on the license application, or if no residential address is listed, to the business address provided on the license application.


(D)       Public hearing.  Upon receiving the notice provided in Division (C) of this section, the licensee shall have the right to request a public hearing.  If no request for a hearing is received by the City Clerk within ten regular business days following the service of the notice, the city may proceed with the suspension or revocation.  For the purpose of mailed notices, service shall be considered complete as of the date the notice is placed in the mail.  If a public hearing is requested within the stated timeframe, a hearing shall be scheduled within 20 days from the date of the request.  Within three regular business days of the hearing, the City Council shall notify the licensee of its decision.


(E)       Emergency.  If, in the discretion of the City Council, imminent harm to the health or safety of the public may occur because of the actions of a peddler or transient merchant licensed under this chapter, the City Council may immediately suspend the person’s license and provide notice of the right to hold a subsequent public hearing as prescribed in Division (C) of this section.


(F)       Appeals.  Any person whose license is suspended or revoked under this section shall have the right to appeal that decision in court.

Penalty, see § 10.99





No license issued under this chapter shall be transferred to any person other than the person to whom the license was issued.

Penalty, see § 10.99





All solicitors, and any person exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter under § 113.03, shall be required to register with the city.  Registration shall be made on the same form required for a license application, but no fee shall be required.  Immediately upon completion of the registration form, the City Clerk shall issue to the registrant a Certificate of Registration as proof of the registration.  Certificates of Registration shall be non-transferable.

Penalty, see § 10.99





No peddler, solicitor or transient merchant shall conduct business in any of the following manners:


(A)       Calling attention to his or her business or items to be sold by means of blowing any horn or whistle, ringing any bell, crying out, or by any other noise, so as to be unreasonably audible within an enclosed structure.


(B)       Obstructing the free flow of either vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any street, alley, sidewalk or other public right-of-way.


(C)       Conducting business in a way as to create a threat to the health, safety and welfare of any individual or the general public.


(D)       Conducting business before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. 


(E)       Failing to provide proof of license or registration, and identification, when requested; or using the license or registration of another person.


(F)       Making any false or misleading statements about the product or service being sold, including untrue statements of endorsement.  No peddler, solicitor or transient merchant shall claim to have the endorsement of the city solely based on the city having issued a license or certificate of registration to that person.


(G)       Remaining on the property of another when requested to leave, or to otherwise conduct business in a manner a reasonable person would find obscene, threatening, intimidating or abusive.

Penalty, see § 10.99





No peddler, solicitor or transient merchant, unless invited to do so by the property owner or tenant, shall enter the property of another for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicitor or transient merchant when the property is marked with a sign or placard at least four inches long and four inches wide with print of at least 48 point in size stating “No Peddlers, Solicitors or Transient Merchants,” or “Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Prohibited,” or other comparable statement.  No person other than the property owner or tenant


shall remove, deface or otherwise tamper with any sign or placard under this section.

Penalty, see § 10.99







114.01   Definitions

114.02   Prohibitions

114.03   Application for license; fees; issuance

114.04   Inspection of facilities

114.05   Suspension or revocation of license

114.06   Consent for performing procedures on persons under 18

114.07   Prohibitions relating to persons under 18

114.08   Defenses to violations

114.09   Training standards; records; safety and sanitation; equipment




§ 114.01  DEFINITIONS.


For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.


BOARD OF HEALTH.  A Board of Health established under the provisions of M.S. § 145A.03, as it may be amended from time to time.  If the city does not have a Board of Health, then this term means the authority having the duties of a Board of Health in the city, including but not limited to the County Board of Health.


BODY PIERCING.  Includes ear piercing except when the ear piercing procedure is performed with an ear-piercing gun.


BUSINESS.  Any entity that provides services for compensation.


EAR PIERCING GUN.  A mechanical device that pierces the ear by forcing a disposable single-use stud or solid needle through the ear.


GUARDIAN.  Has the same meaning as in § 130.15.


PARENT.  Has the same meaning as in § 130.15.


TATTOO.  Has the same meaning given in M.S. § 609.2246, Subd. 2, as it may be amended from time to time.





No person shall do any of the following:


(A)       Operate a business that offers tattooing or body piercing services unless the City Council issues it a license to do so;


(B)       Perform a tattooing or body piercing procedure in a manner that does not meet the safety and sanitation standards established by this chapter and any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations;


(C)       Perform a tattooing procedure, body piercing procedure, or ear piercing procedure with an ear piercing gun in a manner that does not meet the standards for appropriate disinfection and sterilization of invasive equipment or parts of equipment used in performing the procedures established by this chapter and any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       A person seeking approval to operate a business that offers tattooing or body piercing services shall apply to the city on forms the city or the Board of Health shall prescribe and provide.  The applicant shall submit all information the city and the Board of Health determines is necessary to process the application.  The applicant shall include the fee established under the city’s Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges authorized by § 30.11 as it may be amended from time to time, or as established by the Board of Health.


(B)       To receive approval to offer tattooing or body piercing services, a business must demonstrate to the Board of Health the ability to meet the requirements established by this chapter and any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations for safe performance of the tattooing or body piercing procedures, training of the individuals who perform the procedures, and maintenance of records.


(C)       If the Board of Health determines, following an inspection conducted under § 114.04, that a business meets the requirements for approval, it shall so advise the city.  The City Council may either approve or deny the license, or it may delay action for a reasonable period of time as necessary to complete any investigation of the application or the applicant it deems necessary.  If the City Council shall approve the license, the City Clerk shall issue the license to the applicant.  If the City Council denies the license, notice of the denial shall be given to the applicant along with notice of the applicant’s right to appeal the City Council’s decision.  Approval remains valid for one year unless earlier suspended or revoked under § 114.05.  A business’s approval may be renewed.  Approval is not transferable.

Penalty, see § 10.99








The Board of Health, or a person or another body designed by the city, shall conduct at least one inspection of a business prior to approving the business under § 114.03 to offer tattooing or body piercing services.  The Board may conduct additional inspections as necessary for the approval process.  The Board of Health may inspect an approved business at any time the Board considers necessary.  In an inspection, the Board of Health shall be given access to the business's premises and to all records relevant to the inspection.

Penalty, see § 10.99





The City Council may suspend or revoke the approval of a business to offer tattooing or body piercing services at any time it determines that the business is being operated in violation of this chapter or any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.  Proceedings for suspensions and revocations shall be conducted in accordance with rules adopted in Chapter 110 for the suspension or revocation of business licenses.





(A)       No person shall perform a tattooing procedure, body piercing procedure, or ear piercing procedure with an ear piercing gun on an individual who is under 18 years of age unless consent has been given by the individual’s parent, guardian, or custodian in accordance with Division (B) of this section.  The consent must include both the custodial and non-custodial parents, where applicable.


(B)       A parent, guardian or custodian of an individual under age 18 who desires to give consent to a business to perform on the individual under age 18 a tattooing procedure, body piercing procedure, or ear piercing procedure performed with an ear piercing gun shall do both of the following:


(1)        Appear in person at the business at the time the procedure is performed;


(2)        Sign a document provided by the business that explains the manner in which the procedure will be performed and methods for proper care of the affected body area following performance of the procedure.

Penalty, see § 10.99






(1)        Unless consent has been given in accordance with § 114.06, no individual who is under age 18 shall obtain or attempt to obtain a tattooing service, body-piercing service, or ear-piercing service performed with an ear-piercing gun.


(2)        No individual who is under age 18 shall knowingly show or give false information concerning the individual’s name, age, or other identification for the purpose of obtaining a tattooing service, body piercing service, or ear-piercing service performed with an ear piercing gun.



(1)        No individual shall knowingly show or give any false information as to the name, age, or other identification of an individual who is under age 18 for the purpose of obtaining for the individual under age 18 a tattooing service, body piercing service, or ear piercing service performed with an ear piercing gun.


(2)        No individual shall impersonate the parent, guardian or custodian of an individual who is under age 18 for the purpose of obtaining for the individual under age 18 a tattooing service, body-piercing service, or ear piercing service performed with an ear piercing gun.

Penalty, see § 10.99





(A)       An operator or employee of a business that performs tattooing services, body piercing services, or ear piercing services performed with an ear piercing gun may not be found guilty of a violation of § 114.06(A) or any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations in which age is an element of the provisions if:


(1)        The individual obtaining a tattooing service, body piercing service, or ear piercing service performed with an ear piercing gun, at the time of so doing, exhibited to the operator or employee of the tattooing, body piercing, or ear piercing business a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card issued under state law showing that the individual was then at least age 18;


(2)        The operator or employee made a bona fide effort to ascertain the true age of the individual obtaining a tattooing, body piercing, or ear piercing service by checking the identification presented, at the time of the service, to ascertain that the description on the identification compared with the appearance of the individual and that the identification had not been altered in any way; and


(3)        The operator or employee had reason to believe that the individual obtaining a tattooing, body piercing, or ear piercing service was at least age 18.


(B)       In any action or proceeding before a court of record in which a defense is raised under this section, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or the Registrar’s Deputy who issued a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card shall be permitted to submit certified copies of the records, in the Registrar’s or Deputy’s possession, of the issuance in lieu of the testimony of the personnel of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at the hearing, action or proceeding.





(A)       Each operator of a business that offers tattooing or body-piercing services shall do all of the following:


(1)        Maintain procedures for ensuring that the individuals who perform tattooing or body piercing procedures are adequately trained to perform the procedures properly;


(2)        With respect to tattooing services, maintain written records that include the color, manufacturer and lot number of each pigment used for each tattoo performed;


(3)        Comply with the safety and sanitation requirements for preventing transmission of infectious diseases, as established in any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations;


(4)        Require the individuals who perform tattooing and body piercing procedures to disinfect and sterilize all invasive equipment or parts of equipment used in performing the procedures by using methods that meet the disinfection and sterilization requirements established in any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations;


(5)        Ensure that weekly tests of the business’s heat sterilization devices are performed to determine whether the devices are functioning properly.  In having the devices tested, the operator of the business shall use a biological monitoring system that indicates whether the devices are killing microorganisms.  If a test indicates that a device is not functioning properly, the operator shall take immediate remedial action to ensure that heat sterilization is being accomplished.  The operator shall maintain documentation that the weekly tests are being performed.  To comply with the documentation requirement, the documents must consist of a log that indicates the date on which each test is performed and the name of the person who performed the test or, if a test was conducted by an independent testing entity, a copy of the entity’s testing report.  The operator shall maintain records of each test performed for at least two years.


(B)              Each operator of a business that offers ear piercing services performed with an ear piercing gun shall require the individuals who perform the ear piercing services to disinfect and sterilize the ear piercing gun by using chemical solutions that meet the disinfection and sterilization requirements established in any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.

Penalty, see § 10.99












115.01   Definitions

115.02   License



§ 115.01  DEFINITIONS.


TOBACCO or TOBACCO PRODUCTS.  Any substance or item containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, fine cut or other chewing tobacco, cheroots, stogies, perique, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready-rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff flowers, cavendish, shorts, plug and twist tobaccos, dipping tobaccos, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco leaf prepared in a manner as to be suitable for chewing, sniffing or smoking.


TOBACCO RELATED DEVICES.  Any tobacco product as well as a pipe, rolling papers or other device intentionally designed or intended to be used in a manner which enables the chewing, sniffing or smoking of tobacco or tobacco products.


§ 115.02  LICENSE.


(A)             License required.  No person shall sell or offer to sell any tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related device without first having obtained a license to do so from the County.











116.01   Definitions

116.02   Purpose

116.03   General Provisions

116.04   Adult Use Principal

116.05   Adult Use, Accessory

116.06      Nonconforming Adult Use – Principal or Accessory

116.07      Enforcement



§ 116.01  DEFINITIONS.


(A)       Adult Uses.  Adult uses include bookstores, adult motion pictures theaters, adult motion picture rental, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult massage parlors, adult steam room/bathhouse/sauna facilities, adult companionship establishments, adult rap/conversation parlors, adult health/sport clubs, adult cabarets, adult novelty businesses, adult motion picture arcades, adult modeling studios, adult hotels/motels, adult body painting studios, and other premises, enterprises, establishments, businesses or places open to some or all members of the public, at or in which there is an emphasis on the presentation, display, depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” which are capable of being seen by members of the public.


            (1)  Specified Anatomical Areas:


(a)        Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock, anus, or female breast(s) below a point immediately above the top of the areola.


(b)        Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.


(2)    Specific Sexual Activities:


(a)        Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, oral copulation, anal intercourse, oral-anal copulation, bestiality, direct physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, flagellation or torture in the context of a sexual relationship, and any of the following sexual-oriented acts or conduct:  anilingus, buggery, coprophagy, coprophilia, cunnilingus, fellatio, necrophilia, pederasty, pedophilia, piquerism, sapphism, zooerasty; or



(b)               Clearly depicted human genitals in the state of sexual stimulation, arousal or tumescence. 


(c)                Use of human or animal ejaculation, sodomy, oral copulation, coitus, or masturbation.


(d)       Fondling or touching of nude human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts.


(e)        Situations involving a person or persons, any of whom are nude, clad in undergarments or in sexually revealing costumes, and who are engaged in activities involving the flagellation, torture, fettering, binding or other physical restraint of any such persons.


(f)        Erotic or lewd touching, fondling or other sexually oriented contact with an animal  by a human being.


(g)        Human erection, urination, menstruation, vaginal or anal irrigation.


(B)       Adult Uses -Accessory.  A use, business, or establishment having ten percent (10%) or less of its stock in trade or floor area allocated to, or twenty percent (20%) or less of its gross receipts derived from adult use movie rentals or adult use magazine sales.


(C)       Adult Uses-Principal.  A use, business, or establishment having more than 10% of its stock in trade or floor area allocated to, or more than twenty percent (20%) of its gross receipts derived from, any adult use.


(D)       Adult Use-Body Painting Studio.  An establishment or business which provides the service of applying paint or other substance, whether transparent or non-transparent, to or on the body of a patron when such body is wholly or partially nude in terms of “specified anatomical areas.”


(E)       Adult Use-Bookstore.  A building or portion of a building used for the barter, rental or sale of items consisting of printed matter, pictures, slides, records, audio tape, videotape, or motion picture film if such building or portion of a building is not open to the public generally but only to one or more classes of the public extending any minor by reason of age or if a substantial or significant portion of such items are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “ specified anatomical areas.”


(F)       Adult Use-Cabaret.  A building or portion of a building used for providing dancing or other live entertainment, if such building or portion of a building excludes minors by virtue of age or if such dancing or other live entertainment is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the presentation, display, depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(G)       Adult Use-Companionship Establishment.  A companionship establishment which excludes minors by reason of age, or which provides the service of engaging in or listening to conversation, talk or discussion between an employee of the establishment and a customer, if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(H)       Adult Use-Conversation/Rap Parlor.  A conversation/rap parlor which excludes minors by reason of age, or which provides the service of engaging in or listening to conversation, talk or discussion, if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(I)        Adult Use-Health/Sport Club.  A health/sport club which excludes minors by reason of age, or if such club is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(J)        Adult Use-Hotel or Motel.  Adult hotel or motel from which minors are specifically excluded from patronage and wherein material is presented which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(K)       Adult Use-Massage Parlor, Health Club.  A massage parlor or health club which restricts minors by reason of age, and which provides the services of massage, if such service is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(L)       Adult Use-Mini-Motion Picture Theater.  A building or portion of a building with a capacity for less than fifty (50) persons used for presenting material if such building or portion of a building as a prevailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age, or if such material is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” for observation by patrons therein.


(M)      Adult Use-Modeling Studio.  An establishment whose major business is the provision, to customers, of figure models who are so provided with the intent of providing sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to such customers and who engage in “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” while being observed, painted, painted upon, sketched, drawn, sculptured, photographed, or otherwise depicted by such customers.


(N)       Adult Use-Motion Picture Arcade.  Any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug-operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled or operated still or motor picture machines, projectors or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five (5) or fewer persons per machine at any on time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”



(O)       Adult Use-Motion Picture Theater.  A building or portion of a building with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons used for presenting material if such building or portion of a building as a prevailing practice excludes minors by virtue of age, or if such material is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” for observation by patrons therein.


(P)       Adult Use –Novelty Business.  A business which has as a principal activity the sale of devices which stimulate human genitals or devices which are designated for sexual stimulation.


(Q)       Adult Use Sauna.  A sauna which excludes minors by reason of age, or which provides a stream bath or heat bathing room used for the purpose of bathing, relaxation, or reducing, utilizing steam or hot air as a cleaning, relaxing or reducing agent, if the service provided by the steam room/bathhouse facility is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”


(R)       Adult Use-Steam Room/Bathhouse Facility.  A building or portion of a building used for providing a steam bath or heat bathing room used for the purpose of pleasure, bathing, relaxation, or reducing, utilizing steam or hot air as a cleaning, relaxing or reducing agent if such building or portion of a building restricts minors by reason of age or if the service provided by the steam room/bathhouse facility is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”



§ 116.02  PURPOSE.


The nature of adult uses is such that they are recognized as having adverse secondary characteristics, particularly when they are accessible to minors and located near residential property or related residential uses such as schools, day care centers, libraries or parks.  Furthermore, the concentration of adult uses has an adverse effect upon the use and enjoyment of adjacent areas.  The nature of adult uses requires that they not be allowed within certain zoning districts, or within minimum distances from each other or residential uses.  Special regulation of adult uses is necessary to ensure that the adverse secondary effects would not contribute or enhance criminal activity in the area of such uses nor will it contribute to the blighting or downgrading of the surrounding property and lessening of its value.





Adult uses as defined in this chapter shall be subject to the following general provisions:


(A)       Activities classified as obscene are not permitted and are prohibited.  In no instance shall the application or interpretation of this ordinance be constructed to allow an activity otherwise prohibited by law.



(B)       Adult uses, either principal or accessory, shall be prohibited from locating in any building which is also utilized for residential purposes.


(C)       An adult use which does not qualify as an accessory use pursuant to Section 116.05, shall             be classified as an adult use-principal.





(A)       Adult use-principal shall be a conditional use in the I-1, general industrial district, subject to the location criteria outlined in 116.03 (B).


(B)       Adult use-principal shall be located at least three hundred (300) radial feet, as measured in a straight line from the closest point of the property line of the building upon which the adult use-principal is located to the property line of:


(1)        A zoning district in which residential uses are specifically listed as a permitted or conditional use.


            (2)        A licensed day care center.


(3)        A public or private educational facility classified as an elementary, junior high or senior high.


            (4)        A public library.


            (5)        A public park.


            (6)        Another adult use-principal.


(7)               Any church or church related organization.


(8)               Any existing residence.


(C)       No adult use-principal shall be located in the same building or upon the same property as another adult use-principal.


(D)       Adult use-principal shall adhere to the following signing regulations in addition to the sign regulations of  Chapter 150.


(1)        Sign messages shall be generic in nature and shall only identify the name of the business.


(2)        Signs shall comply with the requirements of size and number for the district in which they are located.


(E)       Adult use-principal shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for its hours of operation.  Differing time schedule may be approved by the City Council, if it can be satisfactorily demonstrated by the operator to the City Council that all the following apply:


                        (1)        Not adversely impact or affect uses or activities within three hundred fifty (350) feet.


            (2)        Will not result in increased policing and related service calls.


            (3)        Is critical to the operation of the business.





Adult Uses-Accessory shall be permitted in all commercial districts, provided the accessory use conforms with the provisions of this Subd.


(A)       Adult use-accessory shall:


(1)        Comprise no more than ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the establishment in which it is located.


(2)        Comprise no more than twenty percent (20%) of the gross receipts of the entire business operation.


            (3)        Not involve or include any activity except the sale or rental of merchandise.


(B)       Adult use-accessory shall be restricted from and prohibit access to minors by the physical separation of such items from areas of general public access:


(1)        Movie Rental.  Display areas shall be restricted from general view and shall be located within a separate room, the access of which is in clear view and under the control of the persons responsible for the operation.


                        (2)        Magazines.  Publications classified or qualifying as adult uses shall not be physically accessible to minors and shall be covered with a wrapper or other means to prevent display of any material other than the publication title.


(3)        Other Use.  Adult uses-accessory not specifically cited shall comply with the intent of this Section subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator.


(C)       Adult use-accessory shall be prohibited from both internal and external advertising and signing of adult materials and products.






An adult use already operating within a community in an area where it will not be allowed pursuant to city ordinance may not be grand fathered or considered a legal non-conforming use.  The city will issue a notice for the adult use to relocate its operation to an area where the adult use is allowed.  The adult use operator has one year from the date of the notice to relocate its operation to an area where the adult use is allowed.


§ 116.07  Enforcement.


(A)       Any person violating any provision of this Section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by State Law.


(B)       Any violation of this Section shall be a basis for the suspension or revocation of the certificate of occupancy for the property or building in or on which the adult use is located.  In the event the City Council proposes to revoke or suspend a certificate of occupancy, the property owner shall be notified in writing of the basis for such proposed suspension or revocation.  The City Council shall hold a hearing for the purpose of determining whether to revoke or suspend the certificate of occupancy, which hearing shall be within thirty (30) days of the date of the notice.   


(C)       The City Council shall determine whether to revoke or suspend a certificate of occupancy within thirty (30) days after the close of the hearing or within sixty (60) days of the dates of the notice, whichever is sooner, and shall notify the property owner of its decision within that period.

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