Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
City of Porter
October 3, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Don Verschelde called the meeting to order.
Council members present were Kim Jelen, Donald Verschelde, Josh Sumption, Craig Petersen, Pat Vlaminck, and Judy Verschelde.
Linda Hennen was also present.
Mayor Donald Verschelde called for the reading of the minutes of the September 6th, Regular City Council meeting. Minutes were approved as read in a motion by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Craig Petersen. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Dump grounds will be pushed up and burned in the near future.
Special City Council Meeting on Thursday, October 13th @ 6:30 p.m.
Water sample was taken and will discharging ponds will happen this week.
357,000 gallons of water used
Porter Harvest Festival donated $5,000.00 to the City of Porter for the new concession stand.
A motion was made by Craig Petersen, seconded Josh Sumption, to pay the bills as read. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
A motion was made by Josh Sumption, seconded by Pat Vlaminck, to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor with none opposed, and the motion was carried.
Kim Jelen, Clerk
City of Porter