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Special Planning & Zoning / City Council Meeting Minutes 

City of Porter 

October 13, 2021, 7:00 p.m. 


Public hearing called to order by Mayor, Donald Verschelde. 


Council members present were Kim Jelen, Donald Verschelde, Pat Vlaminck, and members of the Planning & Zoning were Darlene Moeller and Marty Syltie.    


City Attorney Gerald Boulton was present. 

Public present:  Tom & Becky Noyes, Martha Melrose, and Dan Verschelde,  

Purpose of the meeting is from a request by Tom & Becky Noyes for a variance to build an addition to their current residence. 

  • Discussed prior building request being denied 

  • Reviewed drawing and if lined up properties they would currently be within two feet already 

  • Public shared their concerns; the city shared its concern on a precedent being set 

  • Attorney Boulton reviewed requirements for a variance. 

Mayor Donald Verschelde asked if anyone one wanted to make a motion.  No motion was made. 

A motion to not approve the variance was made by Darlene Moeller, seconded by Pat Vlaminck, all were in favor with none opposed.  No variance will be granted.  

A motion to adjourn was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Marty Syltie – all were in favor with none opposed and the motion was carried. 


Kim Jelen, Clerk 

City of Porter 

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