Special Planning & Zoning / City Council Meeting Minutes
City of Porter
October 13, 2021, 7:00 p.m.
Public hearing called to order by Mayor, Donald Verschelde.
Council members present were Kim Jelen, Donald Verschelde, Pat Vlaminck, and members of the Planning & Zoning were Darlene Moeller and Marty Syltie.
City Attorney Gerald Boulton was present.
Public present: Tom & Becky Noyes, Martha Melrose, and Dan Verschelde,
Purpose of the meeting is from a request by Tom & Becky Noyes for a variance to build an addition to their current residence.
Discussed prior building request being denied
Reviewed drawing and if lined up properties they would currently be within two feet already
Public shared their concerns; the city shared its concern on a precedent being set
Attorney Boulton reviewed requirements for a variance.
Mayor Donald Verschelde asked if anyone one wanted to make a motion. No motion was made.
A motion to not approve the variance was made by Darlene Moeller, seconded by Pat Vlaminck, all were in favor with none opposed. No variance will be granted.
A motion to adjourn was made by Pat Vlaminck, seconded by Marty Syltie – all were in favor with none opposed and the motion was carried.
Kim Jelen, Clerk
City of Porter